
Boasting nearly 30,000 species, teleosts account for half of all extant vertebrates and approximately 98% of all ray-finned fish species (Actinopterygii). Teleosts are also the largest and most diverse group of vertebrates, exhibiting an astonishing level of morphological, physiological, and behavioral diversity. Previous studies had indicated that the teleost lineage has experienced an additional whole-genome duplication event. Recent comparative genomic analyses of teleosts and other bony vertebrates using spotted gar (a nonteleost ray-finned fish) and elephant shark (a cartilaginous fish) as outgroups have revealed several divergent features of teleost genomes. These include an accelerated evolutionary rate of protein-coding and nucleotide sequences, a higher rate of intron turnover, loss of many potential -regulatory elements and shorter conserved syntenic blocks. A combination of these divergent genomic features might have contributed to the evolution of the amazing phenotypic diversity and morphological innovations of teleosts.


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