
This narrative is a personal account of my evolution as a student of phytoplankton and the ocean. Initially I focused on phytoplankton nutrient physiology and uptake, later switching to photosynthetic physiology. Better models of photosynthesis naturally require a better understanding of spectral underwater light fields and absorption coefficients, which precipitated my involvement in the nascent field of bio-optical oceanography. Establishment of the now 34-year-old summer graduate course in ocean optics, which continues to attract students from around the globe, is a legacy of my jumping into optics. The importance of social interactions in advancing science cannot be underestimated; a prime example is how a TGIF gathering led to my immersion in the world of autonomous underwater vehicles for the past two decades of my career. Working with people who you like and respect is also critical; I believe collegial friendship played a major role in the great success of the 2008 North Atlantic Bloom Experiment.


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