
The field of socially assistive robotics (SAR) aims to supplement the efforts of clinicians, therapists, educators, and caregivers through individualized, socially mediated interventions with robots. SAR is faced with the interdisciplinary challenge to balance sensitive domain needs with current technical limitations. Many researchers in SAR and the broader human–robot interaction community overcome technical barriers by using a Wizard of Oz approach, or teleoperation of the robot or aspects of the interaction. Although Wizard of Oz is a well-established practice, it becomes intractable in critical SAR domains that require long-term, situated support, such as aging in place and special needs education. In this article, we define a set of autonomy-centric design properties for SAR interventions based on concepts from artificial intelligence and robotics. These properties structure a systematic review of the last decade of autonomous SAR research. From the review, we draw and discuss common computational methods, engineering practices, and design patterns that enable autonomy in SAR.


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