
The ChvG-ChvI two-component system is conserved among multiple . ChvG is a canonical two-component system sensor kinase with a single large periplasmic loop. Active ChvG directs phosphotransfer to its cognate response regulator ChvI, which controls transcription of target genes. In many alphaproteobacteria, ChvG is regulated by a third component, a periplasmic protein called ExoR, that maintains ChvG in an inactive state through direct interaction. Acidic pH stimulates proteolysis of ExoR, unfettering ChvG-ChvI to control its regulatory targets. Activated ChvI among different alphaproteobacteria controls a broad range of cellular processes, including symbiosis and virulence, exopolysaccharide production, biofilm formation, motility, type VI secretion, cellular metabolism, envelope composition, and growth. Low pH is a virulence signal in , but in other systems, conditions that cause envelope stress may also generally activate ChvG-ChvI. There is mounting evidence that these regulators influence diverse aspects of bacterial physiology, including but not limited to host interactions.


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