
High-resolution vibrational spectra of C–H, O–H, and N–H stretches depend on both molecular conformation and environment as well as provide a window into the frequencies of many other vibrational degrees of freedom as a result of mode mixing. We review current theoretical strategies that are being deployed to both aid and guide the analysis of the data that are encoded in these spectra. The goal is to enhance the power of vibrational spectroscopy as a tool for probing conformational preferences, hydrogen bonding effects away from equilibrium, and energy flow pathways. Recent years have seen an explosion of new methods and strategies for solving the nuclear Schrödinger equation. Rather than attempt a comprehensive review, this work highlights specific molecular systems that we have chosen as representing bonding motifs that are important to chemistry and biology. We focus on the choices theoretical chemists make regarding the level of electronic structure theory, the representation of the potential energy surface, the selection of coordinates, preferences in basis sets, and methods of solution.


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