
DNA sequencing has revolutionized medicine over recent decades. However, analysis of large structural variation and repetitive DNA, a hallmark of human genomes, has been limited by short-read technology, with read lengths of 100–300 bp. Long-read sequencing (LRS) permits routine sequencing of human DNA fragments tens to hundreds of kilobase pairs in size, using both real-time sequencing by synthesis and nanopore-based direct electronic sequencing. LRS permits analysis of large structural variation and haplotypic phasing in human genomes and has enabled the discovery and characterization of rare pathogenic structural variants and repeat expansions. It has also recently enabled the assembly of a complete, gapless human genome that includes previously intractable regions, such as highly repetitive centromeres and homologous acrocentric short arms. With the addition of protocols for targeted enrichment, direct epigenetic DNA modification detection, and long-range chromatin profiling, LRS promises to launch a new era of understanding of genetic diversity and pathogenic mutations in human populations.


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