
Nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat receptors (NLRs) are the largest class of immune receptors in plants. They play a key role in the plant surveillance system by monitoring pathogen effectors that are delivered into the plant cell. Recent structural biology and biochemical analyses have uncovered how NLRs are activated to form oligomeric resistosomes upon the recognition of pathogen effectors. In the resistosome, the signaling domain of the NLR is brought to the center of a ringed structure to initiate immune signaling and regulated cell death (RCD). The N terminus of the coiled-coil (CC) domain of the NLR protein HOPZ-ACTIVATED RESISTANCE 1 likely forms a pore in the plasma membrane to trigger RCD in a way analogous to animal pore-forming proteins that trigger necroptosis or pyroptosis. NLRs that carry TOLL-INTERLEUKIN1-RECEPTOR as a signaling domain may also employ pore-forming resistosomes for RCD execution. In addition, increasing evidence supports intimate connections between NLRs and surface receptors in immune signaling. These new findings are rapidly advancing our understanding of the plant immune system.


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