
Published research about wetland insects has proliferated, and a conceptual foundation about how wetland insect populations and communities are regulated is being built. Here we review and synthesize this new body of work. Our review begins with a summary of insect communities found in diverse wetland types, including temporary pools, seasonally flooded marshes, perennially flooded marshes, forested floodplains, and peatlands. Next, we critically discuss research on the population and community ecology of wetland insects, including the importance of colonization strategies and insect interactions with the physical environment, plants, predators, and competitors. Results from many of the experimental studies that we review indicate that some commonly held beliefs about wetland insect ecology require significant reevaluation. We then discuss the importance of wetland insect ecology for some applied concerns such as efforts to manage wetland insect resources as waterfowl food and development of ecologically sound strategies to control pest mosquitoes. We conclude with a discussion of wetland conservation, emphasizing insect aspects.


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  • Article Type: Review Article
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