
Retrotransposons mobilize via RNA intermediates and usually carry with them the agent of their mobility, reverse transcriptase. Retrotransposons are streamlined, and therefore rely on host factors to proliferate. However, retrotransposons are exposed to cellular forces that block their paths. For this review, we have selected for our focus elements from among arget-rimed (TP) retrotransposons, also called non-LTR retrotransposons, and xtrachromosomally-rimed (EP) retrotransposons, also called LTR retrotransposons. The TP retrotransposons considered here are group II introns, LINEs and SINEs, whereas the EP elments considered are the Ty and Tf retrotransposons, with a brief comparison to retroviruses. Recurring themes for these elements, in hosts ranging from bacteria to humans, are tie-ins of the retrotransposons to RNA metabolism, DNA replication and repair, and cellular stress. Likewise, there are parallels among host-cell defenses to combat rampant retrotransposon spread. The interactions between the retrotransposon and the host, and their coevolution to balance the tension between retrotransposon proliferation and host survival, form the basis of this review.


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