
This review discusses the current status and future of high irreversibility field superconductor processing for conductor applications. The topic is introduced by comparing the properties and processability of the most widely studied superconducting materials, and by highlighting the application goals requirements. A major section of the review is concerned with thin film routes for fabricating the high irreversibility superconductor, YBaCuO, because this is an area where there has been much recent success. The prospect of improved conductor properties through processing refinements, as well as the potential for scale-up and cost issues, is considered for the thin film routes.

Bearing in mind the industrial limitations of the thin film technologies, the possibility of adopting an “all thick film” or hybrid “thin film/thick film” technology is considered, with examples of success in this area being given. Various thick film deposition methods are explored, as well as the reaction steps required to achieve the necessary film texture for high-current-carrying conductors.


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  • Article Type: Review Article
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