

The Yarkovsky and YORP (Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack) effects are thermal radiation forces and torques that cause small objects to undergo semimajor axis drift and spin vector modifications, respectively, as a function of their spin, orbit, and material properties. These mechanisms help to () deliver asteroids (and meteoroids) with diameter < 40 km from their source locations in the main belt to chaotic resonance zones capable of transporting this material to Earth-crossing orbits; () disperse asteroid families, with drifting bodies jumping or becoming trapped in mean-motion and secular resonances within the main belt; () modify the rotation rates and obliquities of < 40 km asteroids; and () allow asteroids to enter into spin-orbit resonances, which affect the evolution of their spin vectors and feedback into the Yarkovsky-driven semimajor axis evolution. Accordingly, we suggest that nongravitational forces should now be considered as important as collisions and gravitational perturbations to our overall understanding of asteroid evolution.


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