
Our knowledge of plant ion channels was significantly enhanced by the first application of the patch-clamp technique to isolated guard cell protoplasts over 35 years ago. Since then, research has demonstrated the importance of ion channels in the control of gas exchange in guard cells, their role in nutrient uptake in roots, and the participation of calcium-permeable cation channels in the regulation of cell signaling affected by the intracellular concentrations of this second messenger. In recent years, through the employment of reverse genetics, mutant proteins, and heterologous expression systems, research on ion channels has identified mechanisms that modify their activity through protein–protein interactions or that result in activation and/or deactivation of ion channels through posttranslational modifications. Additional and confirmatory information on ion channel functioning has been derived from the crystallization and molecular modeling of plant proteins that, together with functional analyses, have helped to increase our knowledge of the functioning of these important membrane proteins that may eventually help to improve crop yield. Here, an update on the advances obtained in plant ion channel function during the last few years is presented.


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