
▪ Abstract 

Real-time seismology refers to a practice in which seismic data are collected and analyzed quickly after a significant seismic event, so that the results can be effectively used for postearthquake emergency response and early warning. As the technology of seismic instrumentation, telemetry, computers, and data storage facility advances, the real-time seismology for rapid postearthquake notification is essentially established. Research for early warning is still underway. Two approaches are possible: () regional warning and () on-site (or site-specific) warning. In (), the traditional seismological method is used to locate an earthquake, determine the magnitude, and estimate the ground motion at other sites. In (), the beginning of the ground motion (mainly wave) observed at a site is used to predict the ensuing ground motion at the same site. An effective approach to on-site warning is discussed in light of earthquake rupture physics.


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  • Article Type: Review Article
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