
Organizational demography may be conveniently broken into four areas of theoretical development: intraorganizational demography, interorganizational demography, individual careers, and organizational and external populations. The bulk of the work has been conducted in the first three areas and deals with turnover of both personnel and jobs; growth, decline and stability; opportunity structures; and performance and policy. As for the latter, there are new insights into innovation and adaptation; cohort conflict and competition; labor costs and labor cuts; and EEO and Affirmative Action, particularly sex segregation. Here, only one of the four areas, intraorganizational demography, is extensively covered, with the other three areas briefly reviewed. Overall, the potential for organizational demography appears great, especially for yielding new insights into organizational behavior. There are also current linkages with internal labor market theory, and linkages with ecological and network theories are beginning to emerge. New implications for stratification theory and national opportunity structures, the dynamics of labor markets, and for research in aging are also indicated. From this review, we conclude that there is much to be gained from theoretical development at the interface of organizations and demography.


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