
Immune modulation in animal agriculture has been of research interest for several decades, yet only a few immunomodulators have received regulatory approval in the United States and around the world. In this review, we summarize market and regulatory environments impacting commercial development of immunomodulators for use in livestock and poultry. In the United States, very few immunomodulators have received regulatory approval for use in livestock by either the US Department of Agriculture Center for Veterinary Biologics or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). To date, only one immunomodulator has received FDA approval, and an extensive body of peer-reviewed literature is available regarding the basis for its use and health benefits. We present a more thorough review of the history and impact of this immune restorative. Finally, we discuss the interaction of immunomodulators on health, metabolism, and other factors impacting the future of immune modulation in livestock.


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