
Microengineering advances have enabled the development of perfusable, endothelialized models of the microvasculature that recapitulate the unique biological and biophysical conditions of the microcirculation in vivo. Indeed, at that size scale (<100 μm)—where blood no longer behaves as a simple continuum fluid; blood cells approximate the size of the vessels themselves; and complex interactions among blood cells, plasma molecules, and the endothelium constantly ensue—vascularized microfluidics are ideal tools to investigate these microvascular phenomena. Moreover, perfusable, endothelialized microfluidics offer unique opportunities for investigating microvascular diseases by enabling systematic dissection of both the blood and vascular components of the pathophysiology at hand. We review () the state of the art in microvascular devices and () the myriad of microvascular diseases and pressing challenges. The engineering community has unique opportunities to innovate with new microvascular devices and to partner with biomedical researchers to usher in a new era of understanding and discovery of microvascular diseases.


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