
Hydrogen is similar to natural gas in terms of its physical and chemical properties but does not release carbon dioxide when burnt. This makes hydrogen an energy carrier of great importance in climate policy, especially as an enabler of increasing integration of volatile renewable energy, progressive electrification, and effective emission reductions in the hard-to-decarbonize sectors. Leaving aside the problems of transporting hydrogen as a liquid, technological challenges along the entire supply chain can be considered as solved in principle, as shown in the experimental findings of the Hydrogen Innovation Program of the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water. By scaling up production and end-use capacities and, most importantly, producing hydrogen in regions with abundant renewable energy, hydrogen and its applications can displace natural gas at affordable prices in the medium term. However, this substitution will take place at different rates in different regions and with different levels of added value, all of which must be understood for hydrogen uptake to be successful.


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