
Researchers, interventionists, and clinicians are increasingly recognizing the importance of structural stigma in elevating the risk of mental illnesses (MIs) and substance use disorders (SUDs) and in undermining MI/SUD treatment and recovery. Yet, the pathways through which structural stigma influences MI/SUD-related outcomes remain unclear. In this review, we aim to address this gap by summarizing scholarship on structural MI/SUD stigma and identifying pathways whereby structural stigma affects MI/SUD-related outcomes. We introduce a conceptual framework that describes how structural-level stigma mechanisms influence the MI/SUD treatment cascade via () interpersonal- and individual-level stigma mechanisms and () mediating processes among people with MI/SUD (i.e., access to resources, psychological responses, behavioral responses, social isolation). We consider intersections between MI/SUD stigma and stigma based on race/ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Finally, we discuss the implications of this review for future research, interventions, and clinical practice.


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  • Article Type: Review Article
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