
With 6,000 species, Neuroptera (lacewings, antlions, dustywings, and allies) is a relatively small order; however, most larval neuropterans are predacious, often in agricultural systems, lending added importance to this group. Advances in neuropteran phylogeny, most recently through genomic studies, stabilized the nomenclature of this ancestral order of Holometabola, facilitating basic and applied research on these important and interesting insects. The first pheromones for green lacewings (Chrysopidae) have been identified; this, and other research on antlions (Myrmeleontidae), suggests that male-produced long-range pheromones are the norm for the order. Characterizations of the myriad neuropteran exocrine gland systems, including prothoracic, metathoracic, abdominal, dermal, and anal glands, are revealing unforeseen trophic relationships with biological control implications. For examples, males of and other lacewing genera evidently must sequester specific chemical precursors from prey or plants to produce their attractant pheromones, and larval antlion venoms are potentially important genetic leads for insecticidal peptides.


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