
By imploding fuel of hydrogen isotopes, inertial confinement fusion (ICF) aims to create conditions that mimic those in the Sun's core. This is fluid dynamics in an extreme regime, with the ultimate goal of making nuclear fusion a viable clean energy source. The fuel must be reliably and symmetrically compressed to temperatures exceeding 100 million degrees Celsius. After the best part of a century of research, the foremost fusion milestone was reached in 2021, when ICF became the first technology to achieve an igniting fusion fuel (thermonuclear instability), and then in 2022 scientific energy breakeven was attained. A key trade-off of the ICF platform is that greater fuel compression leads to higher burn efficiency, but at the expense of amplified Rayleigh–Taylor and Richtmyer–Meshkov instabilities and kinetic-energy-wasting asymmetries. In extreme cases, these three-dimensional instabilities can completely break up the implosion. Even in the highest-yielding 2022 scientific breakeven experiment, high-atomic-number (high-Z) contaminants were unintentionally injected into the fuel. Here we review the pivotal role that fluid dynamics plays in the construction of a stable implosion and the decades of improved understanding and isolated experiments that have contributed to fusion ignition.


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