
Our understanding of respiratory flow phenomena has been consolidated over decades with the exploration of in vitro and in silico canonical models that underscore the multiscale fluid mechanics spanning the vast airway complex. In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the significant intersubject variability characterizing the human lung morphometry that modulates underlying canonical flows across subjects. Despite outstanding challenges in modeling and validation approaches, exemplified foremost in capturing chronic respiratory diseases, the field is swiftly moving toward hybrid in silico whole-lung simulations that combine various model classes to resolve airflow and aerosol transport spanning the entire respiratory tract over cumulative breathing cycles. In the years to come, the prospect of accessible, community-curated datasets, in conjunction with the use of machine learning tools, could pave the way for in silico population-based studies to uncover unrecognized trends at the population level and deliver new respiratory diagnostic and pulmonary drug delivery endpoints.


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