
Driven by a general demand for clean labels on food and cosmetic products, these industries are currently searching for efficient natural antioxidants to replace synthetic antioxidants. Seaweed contains several compounds with antioxidative properties (phlorotannins, pigments, tocopherols, and polysaccharides). It is possible to extract these compounds via different extraction techniques, which are discussed in this review. Among the abovementioned compounds, phlorotannins are probably the most important in terms of the antioxidative potential of seaweed extracts. We review how the different antioxidative compounds can be characterized. We discuss the current knowledge of the relationship between phlorotannin's structure and antioxidant properties in in vitro studies as well as in food systems. Concerning food systems, most studies on the antioxidative effect of seaweed extracts have been performed with extracts prepared from , despite the fact that this species is less available than other species, such as , which also has high phlorotannin content.

[Erratum, Closure]

An erratum has been published for this article:
Erratum: Source, Extraction, Characterization, and Applications of Novel Antioxidants from Seaweed

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