
Pesticides protect crops against pests, and green pesticides are referred to as effective, safe, and eco-friendly pesticides that are sustainably synthesized and manufactured (i.e., green chemistry production). Owing to their high efficacy, safety, and ecological compatibility, green pesticides have become a main direction of global pesticide research and development (R&D). Green pesticides attract attention because of their close association with the quality and safety of agricultural produce. In this review, we briefly define green pesticides and outline their significance, current registration, commercialization, and applications in China, the European Union, and the United States. Subsequently, we engage in an in-depth analysis of the impact of newly launched green pesticides on the environment and ecosystems. Finally, we focus on the potential risks of dietary exposure to green pesticides and the possible hazards of chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity. The status of and perspective on green pesticides can hopefully inspire green pesticide R&D and applications to ensure agricultural production and safeguard human and ecological health.


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