
Living-donor kidney transplantation is the preferred treatment for kidney failure. In the United States, rates of living kidney donation have been stagnant, which is partly related to concerns over medical and financial risks. Recent research has better characterized the risks of living kidney donation, although the field is limited by a lack of robust registries. Available evidence supports small increases in the risks of end-stage kidney disease and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in living donors. For most donors, the 15-year risk of kidney failure is less than 1%, but for certain populations this risk may be higher. New tools such as genetic kidney disease panels may assist with risk stratification. Living kidney donors generally have similar or improved psychosocial health following donation compared to prior to donation and nondonor experience. Postdonation care allows for preventative care measures to mitigate risk as well as ongoing surveillance of donor outcomes. Continuing efforts to capture and report outcomes of living donation are necessary to safely expand living donation worldwide.


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