
Besides direct protein–protein interactions, indirect interactions mediated by membranes play an important role for the assembly and cooperative function of proteins in membrane shaping and adhesion. The intricate shapes of biological membranes are generated by proteins that locally induce membrane curvature. Indirect curvature-mediated interactions between these proteins arise because the proteins jointly affect the bending energy of the membranes. These curvature-mediated interactions are attractive for crescent-shaped proteins and are a driving force in the assembly of the proteins during membrane tubulation. Membrane adhesion results from the binding of receptor and ligand proteins that are anchored in the apposing membranes. The binding of these proteins strongly depends on nanoscale shape fluctuations of the membranes, leading to a fluctuation-mediated binding cooperativity. A length mismatch between receptor–ligand complexes in membrane adhesion zones causes repulsive curvature-mediated interactions that are a driving force for the length-based segregation of proteins during membrane adhesion.


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