
The ease with which the pH is routinely determined for aqueous solutions masks the fact that the cationic product of Arrhenius acid dissolution, the hydrated proton, or H+(aq), is a remarkably complex species. Here, we review how results obtained over the past 30 years in the study of H+⋅(HO) cluster ions isolated in the gas phase shed light on the chemical nature of H+(aq). This effort has also revealed molecular-level aspects of the Grotthuss relay mechanism for positive-charge translocation in water. Recently developed methods involving cryogenic cooling in radiofrequency ion traps and the application of two-color, infrared–infrared (IR–IR) double-resonance spectroscopy have established a clear picture of how local hydrogen-bond topology drives the diverse spectral signatures of the excess proton. This information now enables a new generation of cluster studies designed to unravel the microscopic mechanics underlying the ultrafast relaxation dynamics displayed by H+(aq).


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