
Quantitative resistance (QR) refers to a resistance that is phenotypically incomplete and is based on the joined effect of several genes, each contributing quantitatively to the level of plant defense. Often, QR remains durably effective, which is the primary driver behind the interest in it. The various terms that are used to refer to QR, such as field resistance, adult plant resistance, and basal resistance, reflect the many properties attributed to it. In this article, we discuss aspects connected to those attributions, in particular the hypothesis that much of the QR to biotrophic filamentous pathogens is basal resistance, i.e., poor suppression of PAMP-triggered defense by effectors. We discuss what role effectors play in suppressing defense or improving access to nutrients. Based on the functions of the few plant proteins identified as involved in QR, vesicle trafficking and protein/metabolite transportation are likely to be common physiological processes relevant to QR.


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    Seedling leaves of three barley genotypes infected by isolate 1.2.1 of , the barley leaf rust fungus, showing the difference in rate of pustule development in a monocyclic test. Times (in days and hours) after inoculation are indicated. Genotypes are extremely susceptible (L94), partially resistant (Vada), and extremely high partially resistant (17-5-16). The pale flecks are immature infections, and the orange pustules are mature sporulating reproduction organs of the fungus (uredinia). Day 7, 17:00: Almost all pustules on L94 are mature, whereas only the first pustules on Vada are mature. Day 9, 2:00: Almost all pustules on Vada are mature, and on 17-5-16 the first mature pustule has just appeared. Vada shows approximately 50% fewer mature pustules than L94. Day 12, 9:00: The final number of mature pustules on 17-5-16 is 12, which is much less than on Vada and L94.

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