
Innovations in aerobiological and epidemiological modeling are enabling the development of powerful techniques to infer connectivity networks for transboundary pathogens in ways that were not previously possible. The innovations are supported by improved access to historical and near real-time highly resolved weather data, multi-country disease surveillance data, and enhanced computing power. Using wheat rusts as an exemplar, we introduce a flexible modeling framework to identify characteristic pathways for long-distance spore dispersal within countries and beyond national borders. We show how the models are used for near real-time early warning systems to support smallholder farmers in East Africa and South Asia. Wheat rust pathogens are ideal exemplars because they continue to pose threats to food security, especially in regions of the world where resources for control are limited. The risks are exacerbated by the rapid appearance and spread of new pathogenic strains, prodigious spore production, and long-distance dispersal for transboundary and pandemic spread.


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