
The incentive-sensitization theory (IST) of addiction was first published in 1993, proposing that () brain mesolimbic dopamine systems mediate incentive motivation (“wanting”) for addictive drugs and other rewards, but not their hedonic impact (liking) when consumed; and () some individuals are vulnerable to drug-induced long-lasting sensitization of mesolimbic systems, which selectively amplifies their “wanting” for drugs without increasing their liking of the same drugs. Here we describe the origins of IST and evaluate its status 30 years on. We compare IST to other theories of addiction, including opponent-process theories, habit theories of addiction, and prefrontal cortical dysfunction theories of impaired impulse control. We also address critiques of IST that have been raised over the years, such as whether craving is important in addiction and whether addiction can ever be characterized as compulsive. Finally, we discuss several contemporary phenomena, including the potential role of incentive sensitization in behavioral addictions, the emergence of addiction-like dopamine dysregulation syndrome in medicated Parkinson's patients, the role of attentional capture and approach tendencies, and the role of uncertainty in incentive motivation.


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