
Planning has been studied in different fields of psychology, including cognitive, developmental, personality, social, and work and organizational research. This article looks at the planning process through the lens of motivation science, and asks the question, What kind of planning can help people reach their goals? We focus on the strategy of making if-then plans (also known as forming implementation intentions). We discuss what kinds of cognitive performance can be enhanced by if-then planning (e.g., attention control, prospective memory, executive functions, and decision making), and whether if-then planning may also benefit people's emotion control, their desired behavior change, and their pending social interactions. We point to the positive impacts of making if-then plans on thinking, feeling, and acting, and we list moderators pertaining to sample characteristics and features of the underlying goals and of the if-then plans themselves. Finally, the underlying processes of if-then planning effects are delineated in the hope of better understanding what kind of if-then planning might work best in promoting flexible but tenacious goal pursuit.


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