
In recent decades, research about survey questions has emphasized decision-based approaches. Current research focuses on identifying and systematizing characteristics of questions that are key in researchers’ decisions. We describe important classes of decisions and question characteristics: topic, type of question (e.g., event or behavior, evaluation or judgment), response dimension (e.g., occurrence, frequency, intensity), conceptualization and operationalization of the target object (e.g., how to label the object being asked about and the response dimension), question structure (e.g., use of a filter question, placement in a battery), question form or response format (e.g., yes–no, selection from ordered categories, choice from a list, discrete value), response categories, question wording, and question implementation. We use the framework of question characteristics to summarize key results in active research areas and provide practical recommendations. Progress depends on recognizing how question characteristics co-occur, using a variety of methods and appropriate models, and implementing study designs with strong criteria.


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