
Until recently X-ray crystallography has been the standard technique for virus structure determinations. Available X-ray sources have continuously improved over the decades, leading to the realization of X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs). They provide high-intensity femtosecond X-ray pulses, which allow for new kinds of experiments by making use of the diffraction-before-destruction principle. By overcoming classical dose constraints, they at least in principle allow researchers to perform X-ray virus structure determination for single particles at room temperature. Simultaneously, the availability of XFELs led to the development of the method of serial femtosecond crystallography, where a crystal structure is determined from the measurement of hundreds to thousands of microcrystals. In the case of virus crystallography this method does not require freezing of the crystals and allows researchers to perform experiments under non-equilibrium conditions (e.g., by laser-induced temperature jumps or rapid chemical mixing), which is currently not possible with electron microscopy.


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