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- Volume 57, 2025
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics - Volume 57, 2025
Volume 57, 2025
Naval Engineering Pioneer Raye J. Montague (1935–2018)
Vol. 57 (2025), pp. 1–8More LessRaye Jean Montague (1935–2018) was a computer programmer and self-taught engineer who was at the forefront of modernizing naval architecture and naval engineering through the use of computer-aided design. In this biographical review, she is referred to as Montague, the surname she had for much of her professional life. Since she was a working engineer rather than a scholar, she did not create a publication record by which her achievements can be easily tracked, but her name appears in committee memberships, conference and working group proceedings, and other such interstices of computer-aided ship design. This key contributor to computer-aided design and manufacturing and to naval engineering is well worth getting to know.
Thermoacoustic Instability in Combustors
Vol. 57 (2025), pp. 9–33More LessThermoacoustic instability is a flow instability that arises due to a two-way coupling between acoustic waves and unsteady heat release rate. It can cause damaging, large-amplitude oscillations in the combustors of gas turbines, aeroengines, rocket engines, etc., and the transition to decarbonized fuels is likely to introduce new thermoacoustic instability problems. With a focus on practical thermoacoustic instability problems, especially in gas turbine combustors, this review presents the common types of combustor and burner geometry used. It discusses the relevant flow physics underpinning their acoustic and unsteady flame behaviors, including how these differ across combustor and burner types. Computational tools for predicting thermoacoustic instability can be categorized into direct computational approaches, in which a single flow simulation resolves all of the most important length scales and timescales, and coupled/hybrid approaches, which couple separate computational treatments for the acoustic waves and flame, exploiting the large disparity in length scales associated with these. Examples of successful computational prediction of thermoacoustic instability in realistic combustors are given, along with outlooks for future research in this area.
Asymmetries in Nominally Symmetric Flows
Vol. 57 (2025), pp. 35–60More LessMany flows that are expected to be symmetric are actually observed to be asymmetric. The appearance of asymmetry in the face of no particular cause is a widespread although underappreciated occurrence. This rather puzzling and sometimes frustrating phenomenon can occur in wide-angle diffusers, over the forebody of axisymmetric bodies at high angles of attack, in the wake downstream of streamlined as well as bluff bodies, and in the flow over three-dimensional bumps and ramps. We review some notable examples and highlight the extreme sensitivity of many such flows to small disturbances in the body geometry or the incoming flow. Some flows appear to be permanently asymmetric, while others are bistable on timescales that are orders of magnitude longer than any convective timescale. Convective or global instabilities can occur, bistability is common, and mode interactions become important when multiple similar but distinct timescales and length scales are present. Our understanding of these phenomena is still very limited, and further research is urgently required; asymmetries in otherwise symmetric flows can have serious real-world consequences on vehicle control and performance.
Coalescence Dynamics
Vol. 57 (2025), pp. 61–87More LessThe merging of two fluid drops is one of the fundamental topological transitions occurring in free surface flow. Its description has many applications, for example, in the chemical industry (emulsions, sprays, etc.), in natural flows driving our climate, and for the sintering of materials. After the reconnection of two drops, strongly localized surface tension forces drive a singular flow, characterized by a connecting liquid bridge that grows according to scaling laws. We review theory, experiment, and simulation of the coalescence of two spherical drops for different parameters and in the presence of an outer fluid. We then generalize to other geometries, such as drops spreading on a substrate and in Hele–Shaw flow, and we discuss other types of mass transport, apart from viscous flow. Our focus is on times immediately after reconnection and on the limit of initially undeformed drops at rest relative to one another.
Clogging of Noncohesive Suspension Flows
Vol. 57 (2025), pp. 89–116More LessWhen flowing through narrow channels or constrictions, many-body systems exhibit various flowing patterns, yet they can also get stuck. In many of these systems, the flowing elements remain as individuals (they do not aggregate or merge), sharing strong analogies among each other. This is the case for systems as contrasting as grains in a silo and pedestrians passing through tight spaces. Interestingly, when these entities flow within a fluid medium, numerous similarities persist. However, the fluid dynamics aspects of such clogging events, such as interstitial flow, liquid pressure, and hydrodynamic interactions, has only recently begun to be explored. In this review, we describe parallels with dry granular clogging and extensively analyze phenomena emerging when particles coexist with fluid in the system. We discuss the influence of diverse flow drive, particle propulsion mechanisms, and particle characteristics, and we conclude with examples from nature.
Geometric Approaches to Lagrangian Averaging
Vol. 57 (2025), pp. 117–140More LessLagrangian averaging theories, most notably the generalized Lagrangian mean (GLM) theory of Andrews and McIntyre, have been primarily developed in Euclidean space and Cartesian coordinates. We reinterpret these theories using a geometric, coordinate-free formulation. This gives central roles to the flow map, its decomposition into mean and perturbation maps, and the momentum 1-form dual to the velocity vector. In this interpretation, the Lagrangian mean of any tensorial quantity is obtained by averaging its pull-back to the mean configuration. Crucially, the mean velocity is not a Lagrangian mean in this sense. It can be defined in a variety of ways, leading to alternative Lagrangian mean formulations that include GLM and Soward and Roberts's volume-preserving version. These formulations share key features that the geometric approach uncovers. We derive governing equations both for the mean flow and for wave activities constraining the dynamics of the perturbations. The presentation focuses on the Boussinesq model for inviscid rotating stratified flows and reviews the necessary tools of differential geometry.
Multiscale Modeling of Respiratory Transport Phenomena and Intersubject Variability
Vol. 57 (2025), pp. 141–165More LessOur understanding of respiratory flow phenomena has been consolidated over decades with the exploration of in vitro and in silico canonical models that underscore the multiscale fluid mechanics spanning the vast airway complex. In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the significant intersubject variability characterizing the human lung morphometry that modulates underlying canonical flows across subjects. Despite outstanding challenges in modeling and validation approaches, exemplified foremost in capturing chronic respiratory diseases, the field is swiftly moving toward hybrid in silico whole-lung simulations that combine various model classes to resolve airflow and aerosol transport spanning the entire respiratory tract over cumulative breathing cycles. In the years to come, the prospect of accessible, community-curated datasets, in conjunction with the use of machine learning tools, could pave the way for in silico population-based studies to uncover unrecognized trends at the population level and deliver new respiratory diagnostic and pulmonary drug delivery endpoints.
Fluid Mechanics of the Dead Sea
Vol. 57 (2025), pp. 167–196More LessThe environmental setting of the Dead Sea combines several aspects whose interplay creates flow phenomena and transport processes that cannot be observed anywhere else on Earth. As a terminal lake with a rapidly declining surface level, the Dead Sea has a salinity that is close to saturation, so that the buoyancy-driven flows common in lakes are coupled to precipitation and dissolution, and large amounts of salt are being deposited year-round. The Dead Sea is the only hypersaline lake deep enough to form a thermohaline stratification during the summer, which gives rise to descending supersaturated dissolved-salt fingers that precipitate halite particles. In contrast, during the winter the entire supersaturated, well-mixed water column produces halite. The rapid lake level decline of O(1 m/year) exposes vast areas of newly formed beach every year, which exhibit deep incisions from streams. Taken together, these phenomena provide insight into the enigmatic salt giants observed in the Earth's geological record and offer lessons regarding the stability, erosion, and protection of arid coastlines under sea level change.
Instabilities and Mixing in Inertial Confinement Fusion
Vol. 57 (2025), pp. 197–225More LessBy imploding fuel of hydrogen isotopes, inertial confinement fusion (ICF) aims to create conditions that mimic those in the Sun's core. This is fluid dynamics in an extreme regime, with the ultimate goal of making nuclear fusion a viable clean energy source. The fuel must be reliably and symmetrically compressed to temperatures exceeding 100 million degrees Celsius. After the best part of a century of research, the foremost fusion milestone was reached in 2021, when ICF became the first technology to achieve an igniting fusion fuel (thermonuclear instability), and then in 2022 scientific energy breakeven was attained. A key trade-off of the ICF platform is that greater fuel compression leads to higher burn efficiency, but at the expense of amplified Rayleigh–Taylor and Richtmyer–Meshkov instabilities and kinetic-energy-wasting asymmetries. In extreme cases, these three-dimensional instabilities can completely break up the implosion. Even in the highest-yielding 2022 scientific breakeven experiment, high-atomic-number (high-Z) contaminants were unintentionally injected into the fuel. Here we review the pivotal role that fluid dynamics plays in the construction of a stable implosion and the decades of improved understanding and isolated experiments that have contributed to fusion ignition.
Physicochemical Hydrodynamics of Particle Diffusiophoresis Driven by Chemical Gradients
Vol. 57 (2025), pp. 227–255More LessChemical gradients, the spatial variations in chemical concentrations and components, are omnipresent in environments ranging from biological and environmental systems to industrial processes. These thermodynamic forces often play a central role in driving transport processes taking place in such systems. This review focuses on diffusiophoresis, a phoretic transport phenomenon driven by chemical gradients. We begin by revisiting the fundamental physicochemical hydrodynamics governing the transport. Then we discuss diffusiophoresis arising in flow systems found in natural and artificial settings. By exploring various scenarios where chemical gradients are encountered and exploited, we aim to demonstrate the significance of diffusiophoresis and its state-of-the-art development in technological applications.
Freezing and Capillarity
Vol. 57 (2025), pp. 257–284More LessIce structures such as accretion on airplanes, wires, or roadways; ice falls; ice stalactites; frozen rivers; and aufeis are formed by the freezing of capillary flows (drops, rivulets, and films). To understand these phenomena, a detailed exploration of the complex coupling between capillary flow and solidification is necessary. Among the many scientific questions that remain open in order to understand these problems are the confinement of the thermal boundary layer by the free surface, the interaction between a freezing front and a free surface, the effect of freezing on the contact line motion, etc. This review focuses mainly on water and ice, discussing the theoretical framework and recent developments in the main areas of the freezing–capillarity interaction. The text deeply explores the freezing of a moving drop and the fundamental problem of wetting water on ice. Additionally, it highlights some of the main open questions on the subject.
Vortex-Induced Vibration of Flexible Cylinders in Cross-Flow
Vol. 57 (2025), pp. 285–310More LessThis review provides a comprehensive analysis of the literature on vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of flexible circular cylinders in cross-flow. It delves into the details of the underlying physics governing the VIV dynamics of cylinders characterized by low mass damping and high aspect ratio, subject to both uniform and shear flows. It compiles decades of experimental investigations, modeling efforts, and numerical simulations and describes the fundamental findings in the field. Key focal points include but are not limited to amplitude–frequency response behavior, the relationship between the distributed loading acting on the cylinder and the trajectories and the near wake structures around the cylinder, the existence of traveling waves, the identification of power-in/power-out regions, and the modal overlapping and mode competition phenomena.
Turbulence from an Observer Perspective
Vol. 57 (2025), pp. 311–334More LessTurbulence is often studied by tracking its spatiotemporal evolution and analyzing the dynamics of its different scales. The dual to this perspective is that of an observer who starts from measurements, or observations, of turbulence and attempts to identify their back-in-time origin, which is the foundation of data assimilation. This back-in-time search must contend with the action of chaos, which obfuscates the interpretation of the observations. When the available measurements satisfy a critical resolution threshold, the influence of chaos can be entirely mitigated and turbulence can be synchronized to the exact state–space trajectory that generated the observations. The critical threshold offers a new interpretation of the Taylor microscale, one that underscores its causal influence. Below the critical threshold, the origin of measurements becomes less definitive in regions where the flow is inconsequential to the observations. In contrast, flow events that influence the measurements, or are within their domain of dependence, are accurately captured. The implications for our understanding of wall turbulence are explored, starting with the highest density of measurements that entirely tame chaos and proceeding all the way to an isolated measurement of wall stress. The article concludes with a discussion of future opportunities and a call to action.
Rapidly Rotating Magnetohydrodynamics and the Geodynamo
Vol. 57 (2025), pp. 335–362More LessThe problem of the geodynamo is simple to formulate (Why does the Earth possess a magnetic field?), yet it proves surprisingly hard to address. As with most geophysical flows, the fluid flow of molten iron in the Earth's core is strongly influenced by the Coriolis effect. Because the liquid is electrically conducting, it is also strongly influenced by the Lorentz force. The balance is unusual in that, whereas each of these effects considered separately tends to impede the flow, the magnetic field in the Earth's core relaxes the effect of the rapid rotation and allows the development of a large-scale flow in the core that in turn regenerates the field. This review covers some recent developments regarding the interplay between rotation and magnetic fields and how it affects the flow in the Earth's core.
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Volume 1 (1969)
Volume 0 (1932)