Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics - Volume 23, 2022
Volume 23, 2022
A Journey Through Genetics to Biology
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 1–27More LessAlthough my engagement with human genetics emerged gradually, and sometimes serendipitously, it has held me spellbound for decades. Without my teachers, students, postdocs, colleagues, and collaborators, I would not be writing this review of my scientific adventures. Early gene and disease mapping was a satisfying puzzle-solving exercise, but building biological insight was my main goal. The project trajectory was hugely influenced by the evolutionarily conserved nature of the implicated genes and by the pace of progress in genetic technologies. The rich detail of clinical observations, particularly in eye disease, makes humans an excellent model, especially when complemented by the use of multiple other animal species for experimental validation. The contributions of collaborators and rivals also influenced our approach. We are very fortunate to work in this era of unprecedented progress in genetics and genomics.
Extrachromosomal DNA in Cancer
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 29–52More LessIn cancer, complex genome rearrangements and other structural alterations, including the amplification of oncogenes on circular extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) elements, drive the formation and progression of tumors. ecDNA is a particularly challenging structural alteration. By untethering oncogenes from chromosomal constraints, it elevates oncogene copy number, drives intratumoral genetic heterogeneity, promotes rapid tumor evolution, and results in treatment resistance. The profound changes in DNA shape and nuclear architecture generated by ecDNA alter the transcriptional landscape of tumors by catalyzing new types of regulatory interactions that do not occur on chromosomes. The current suite of tools for interrogating cancer genomes is well suited for deciphering sequence but has limited ability to resolve the complex changes in DNA structure and dynamics that ecDNA generates. Here, we review the challenges of resolving ecDNA form and function and discuss the emerging tool kit for deciphering ecDNA architecture and spatial organization, including what has been learned to date about how this dramatic change in shape alters tumor development, progression, and drug resistance.
Maintaining Transcriptional Specificity Through Mitosis
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 53–71More LessVirtually all cell types have the same DNA, yet each type exhibits its own cell-specific pattern of gene expression. During the brief period of mitosis, the chromosomes exhibit changes in protein composition and modifications, a marked condensation, and a consequent reduction in transcription. Yet as cells exit mitosis, they reactivate their cell-specific programs with high fidelity. Initially, the field focused on the subset of transcription factors that are selectively retained in, and hence bookmark, chromatin in mitosis. However, recent studies show that many transcription factors can be retained in mitotic chromatin and that, surprisingly, such retention can be due to nonspecific chromatin binding. Here, we review the latest studies focusing on low-level transcription via promoters, rather than enhancers, as contributing to mitotic memory, as well as new insights into chromosome structure dynamics, histone modifications, cell cycle signaling, and nuclear envelope proteins that together ensure the fidelity of gene expression through a round of mitosis.
Natural and Experimental Rewiring of Gene Regulatory Regions
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 73–97More LessThe successful development and ongoing functioning of complex organisms depend on the faithful execution of the genetic code. A critical step in this process is the correct spatial and temporal expression of genes. The highly orchestrated transcription of genes is controlled primarily by cis-regulatory elements: promoters, enhancers, and insulators. The medical importance of this key biological process can be seen by the frequency with which mutations and inherited variants that alter cis-regulatory elements lead to monogenic and complex diseases and cancer. Here, we provide an overview of the methods available to characterize and perturb gene regulatory circuits. We then highlight mechanisms through which regulatory rewiring contributes to disease, and conclude with a perspective on how our understanding of gene regulation can be used to improve human health.
Obtaining Complete Human Proteomes
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 99–121More LessProteins are the molecular effectors of the information encoded in the genome. Proteomics aims at understanding the molecular functions of proteins in their biological context. In contrast to transcriptomics and genomics, the study of proteomes provides deeper insight into the dynamic regulatory layers encoded at the protein level, such as posttranslational modifications, subcellular localization, cell signaling, and protein–protein interactions. Currently, mass spectrometry (MS)–based proteomics is the technology of choice for studying proteomes at a system-wide scale, contributing to clinical biomarker discovery and fundamental molecular biology. MS technologies are continuously being developed to fulfill the requirements of speed, resolution, and quantitative accuracy, enabling the acquisition of comprehensive proteomes. In this review, we present how MS technology and acquisition methods have evolved to meet the requirements of cutting-edge proteomics research, which is describing the human proteome and its dynamic posttranslational modifications with unprecedented depth. Finally, we provide a perspective on studying proteomes at single-cell resolution.
Structural Variation in Cancer: Role, Prevalence, and Mechanisms
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 123–152More LessSomatic rearrangements resulting in genomic structural variation drive malignant phenotypes by altering the expression or function of cancer genes. Pan-cancer studies have revealed that structural variants (SVs) are the predominant class of driver mutation in most cancer types, but because they are difficult to discover, they remain understudied when compared with point mutations. This review provides an overview of the current knowledge of somatic SVs, discussing their primary roles, prevalence in different contexts, and mutational mechanisms. SVs arise throughout the life history of cancer, and 55% of driver mutations uncovered by the Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes project represent SVs. Leveraging the convergence of cell biology and genomics, we propose a mechanistic classification of somatic SVs, from simple to highly complex DNA rearrangement classes. The actions of DNA repair and DNA replication processes together with mitotic errors result in a rich spectrum of SV formation processes, with cascading effects mediating extensive structural diversity after an initiating DNA lesion has formed. Thanks to new sequencing technologies, including the sequencing of single-cell genomes, open questions about the molecular triggers and the biomolecules involved in SV formation as well as their mutational rates can now be addressed.
Genome-Wide Analysis of Human Long Noncoding RNAs: A Provocative Review
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 153–172More LessDo long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) contribute little or substantively to human biology? To address how lncRNA loci and their transcripts, structures, interactions, and functions contribute to human traits and disease, we adopt a genome-wide perspective. We intend to provoke alternative interpretation of questionable evidence and thorough inquiry into unsubstantiated claims. We discuss pitfalls of lncRNA experimental and computational methods as well as opposing interpretations of their results. The majority of evidence, we argue, indicates that most lncRNA transcript models reflect transcriptional noise or provide minor regulatory roles, leaving relatively few human lncRNAs that contribute centrally to human development, physiology, or behavior. These important few tend to be spliced and better conserved but lack a simple syntax relating sequence to structure and mechanism, and so resist simple categorization. This genome-wide view should help investigators prioritize individual lncRNAs based on their likely contribution to human biology.
Establishing the Medical Actionability of Genomic Variants
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 173–192More LessActionability is an important concept in medicine that does not have a well-accepted standard definition, nor is there a general consensus on how to establish it. Medical actionability is often conflated with clinical utility, a related but distinct concept. This lack of clarity contributes to practice variation and inconsistent coverage decisions in genomic medicine, leading to the potential for systematic bias in the use of evidence-based interventions. We clarify how medical actionability and clinical utility are distinct and then discuss the spectrum of actionability, including benefits for the person, the family, and society. We also describe applications across the life course, including prediction, diagnosis, and treatment. Current challenges in assessing the medical actionability of identified genomic variants include gaps in the evidence, limited contexts with practice guidelines, and subjective aspects of medical actionability. A standardized and authoritative assessment of medical actionability is critical to implementing genomic medicine in a fashion that improves population health outcomes and reduces health disparities.
Genetic Disorders of the Extracellular Matrix: From Cell and Gene Therapy to Future Applications in Regenerative Medicine
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 193–222More LessMetazoans have evolved to produce various types of extracellular matrix (ECM) that provide structural support, cell adhesion, cell–cell communication, and regulated exposure to external cues. Epithelial cells produce and adhere to a specialized sheet-like ECM, the basement membrane, that is critical for cellular homeostasis and tissue integrity. Mesenchymal cells, such as chondrocytes in cartilaginous tissues and keratocytes in the corneal stroma, produce a pericellular matrix that presents optimal levels of growth factors, cytokines, chemokines, and nutrients to the cell and regulates mechanosensory signals through specific cytoskeletal and cell surface receptor interactions. Here, we discuss laminins, collagen types IV and VII, and perlecan, which are major components of these two types of ECM. We examinegenetic defects in these components that cause basement membrane pathologies such as epidermolysis bullosa, Alport syndrome, rare pericellular matrix–related chondrodysplasias, and corneal keratoconus and discuss recent advances in cell and gene therapies being developed for some of these disorders.
The Genetics and Typical Traits of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 223–253More LessGenetic predisposition and risk factors such as hypertension and smoking can instigate the development of thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA), which can lead to highly lethal aortic wall dissection and/or rupture. Monogenic defects in multiple genes involved in the elastin-contractile unit and the TGFβ signaling pathway have been associated with TAA in recent years, along with several genetic modifiers and risk-conferring polymorphisms. Advances in omics technology have also provided significant insights into the processes behind aortic wall degeneration: inflammation, epigenetics, vascular smooth muscle phenotype change and depletion, reactive oxygen species generation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and angiotensin signaling dysregulation. These recent advances and findings might pave the way for a therapy that is capable of stopping and perhaps even reversing aneurysm progression.
The Genetics of Brugada Syndrome
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 255–274More LessBrugada syndrome is a heritable channelopathy characterized by a peculiar electrocardiogram (ECG) pattern and increased risk of cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death. The arrhythmias originate because of an imbalance between the repolarizing and depolarizing currents that modulate the cardiac action potential. Even if an overt structural cardiomyopathy is not typical of Brugada syndrome, fibrosis and structural changes in the right ventricle contribute to a conduction slowing, which ultimately facilitates ventricular arrhythmias. Currently, Mendelian autosomal dominant transmission is detected in less than 25% of all clinical confirmed cases. Although 23 genes have been associated with the condition, only SCN5A, encoding the cardiac sodium channel, is considered clinically actionable and disease causing. The limited monogenic inheritance has pointed toward new perspectives on the possible complex genetic architecture of the disease, involving polygenic inheritance and a polygenic risk score that can influence penetrance and risk stratification.
The Genomics of Auditory Function and Disease
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 275–299More LessCurrent estimates suggest that nearly half a billion people worldwide are affected by hearing loss. Because of the major psychological, social, economic, and health ramifications, considerable efforts have been invested in identifying the genes and molecular pathways involved in hearing loss, whether genetic or environmental, to promote prevention, improve rehabilitation, and develop therapeutics. Genomic sequencing technologies have led to the discovery of genes associated with hearing loss. Studies of the transcriptome and epigenome of the inner ear have characterized key regulators and pathways involved in the development of the inner ear and have paved the way for their use in regenerative medicine. In parallel, the immense preclinical success of using viral vectors for gene delivery in animal models of hearing loss has motivated the industry to work on translating such approaches into the clinic. Here, we review the recent advances in the genomics of auditory function and dysfunction, from patient diagnostics to epigenetics and gene therapy.
The Joubert–Meckel–Nephronophthisis Spectrum of Ciliopathies
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 301–329More LessThe Joubert syndrome (JS), Meckel syndrome (MKS), and nephronophthisis (NPH) ciliopathy spectrum could be the poster child for advances and challenges in Mendelian human genetics over the past half century. Progress in understanding these conditions illustrates many core concepts of human genetics. The JS phenotype alone is caused by pathogenic variants in more than 40 genes; remarkably, all of the associated proteins function in and around the primary cilium. Primary cilia are near-ubiquitous, microtubule-based organelles that play crucial roles in development and homeostasis. Protruding from the cell, these cellular antennae sense diverse signals and mediate Hedgehog and other critical signaling pathways. Ciliary dysfunction causes many human conditions termed ciliopathies, which range from multiple congenital malformations to adult-onset single-organ failure. Research on the genetics of the JS-MKS-NPH spectrum has spurred extensive functional work exploring the broadly important role of primary cilia in health and disease. This functional work promises to illuminate the mechanisms underlying JS-MKS-NPH in humans, identify therapeutic targets across genetic causes, and generate future precision treatments.
Mosaicism in Tumor Suppressor Gene Syndromes: Prevalence, Diagnostic Strategies, and Transmission Risk
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 331–361More LessA mosaic state arises when pathogenic variants are acquired in certain cell lineages during postzygotic development, and mosaic individuals may present with a generalized or localized phenotype. Here, we review the current state of knowledge regarding mosaicism for eight common tumor suppressor genes—NF1, NF2, TSC1, TSC2, PTEN, VHL, RB1, and TP53—and their related genetic syndromes/entities. We compare and discuss approaches for comprehensive diagnostic genetic testing, the spectrum of variant allele frequency, and disease severity. We also review affected individuals who have no mutation identified after conventional genetic analysis, as well as genotype–phenotype correlations and transmission risk for each tumor suppressor gene in full heterozygous and mosaic patients. This review provides new insight into similarities as well as marked differences regarding the appreciation of mosaicism in these tumor suppressor syndromes.
The Role of Telomeres in Human Disease
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 363–381More LessTelomere biology was first studied in maize, ciliates, yeast, and mice, and in recent decades, it has informed understanding of common disease mechanisms with broad implications for patient care. Short telomere syndromes are the most prevalent premature aging disorders, with prominent phenotypes affecting the lung and hematopoietic system. Less understood are a newly recognized group of cancer-prone syndromes that are associated with mutations that lengthen telomeres. A large body of new data from Mendelian genetics and epidemiology now provides an opportunity to reconsider paradigms related to the role of telomeres in human aging and cancer, and in some cases, the findings diverge from what was interpreted from model systems. For example, short telomeres have been considered potent drivers of genome instability, but age-associated solid tumors are rare in individuals with short telomere syndromes, and T cell immunodeficiency explains their spectrum. More commonly, short telomeres promote clonal hematopoiesis, including somatic reversion, providing a new leukemogenesis paradigm that is independent of genome instability. Long telomeres, on the other hand, which extend the cellular life span in vitro, are now appreciated to be the most common shared germline risk factor for cancer in population studies. Through this contemporary lens, I revisit here the role of telomeres in human aging, focusing on how short and long telomeres drive cancer evolution but through distinct mechanisms.
Decoding the Human Face: Progress and Challenges in Understanding the Genetics of Craniofacial Morphology
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 383–412More LessVariations in the form of the human face, which plays a role in our individual identities and societal interactions, have fascinated scientists and artists alike. Here, we review our current understanding of the genetics underlying variation in craniofacial morphology and disease-associated dysmorphology, synthesizing decades of progress on Mendelian syndromes in addition to more recent results from genome-wide association studies of human facial shape and disease risk. We also discuss the various approaches used to phenotype and quantify facial shape, which are of particular importance due to the complex, multipartite nature of the craniofacial form. We close by discussing how experimental studies have contributed and will further contribute to our understanding of human genetic variation and then proposing future directions and applications for the field.
The Next Frontier in Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnostics: Cell-Free Fetal DNA Analysis for Monogenic Disease Assessment
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 413–425More LessWith the widespread clinical adoption of noninvasive screening for fetal chromosomal aneuploidies based on cell-free DNA analysis from maternal plasma, more researchers are turning their attention to noninvasive prenatal assessment for single-gene disorders. The development of a spectrum of approaches to analyze cell-free DNA in maternal circulation, including relative mutation dosage, relative haplotype dosage, and size-based methods, has expanded the scope of noninvasive prenatal testing to sex-linked and autosomal recessive disorders. Cell-free fetal DNA analysis for several of the more prevalent single-gene disorders has recently been introduced into clinical service. This article reviews the analytical approaches currently available and discusses the extent of the clinical implementation of noninvasive prenatal testing for single-gene disorders.
The Role of Genome Sequencing in Neonatal Intensive Care Units
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 427–448More LessGenetic diseases disrupt the functionality of an infant's genome during fetal–neonatal adaptation and represent a leading cause of neonatal and infant mortality in the United States. Due to disease acuity, gene locus and allelic heterogeneity, and overlapping and diverse clinical phenotypes, diagnostic genome sequencing in neonatal intensive care units has required the development of methods to shorten turnaround times and improve genomic interpretation. From 2012 to 2021, 31 clinical studies documented the diagnostic and clinical utility of first-tier rapid or ultrarapid whole-genome sequencing through cost-effective identification of pathogenic genomic variants that change medical management, suggest new therapeutic strategies, and refine prognoses. Genomic diagnosis also permits prediction of reproductive recurrence risk for parents and surviving probands. Using implementation science and quality improvement, deployment of a genomic learning healthcare system will contribute to a reduction of neonatal and infant mortality through the integration of genome sequencing into best-practice neonatal intensive care.
Advancing Pharmacogenomics from Single-Gene to Preemptive Testing
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 449–473More LessPharmacogenomic testing can be an effective tool to enhance medication safety and efficacy. Pharmacogenomically actionable medications are widely used, and approximately 90–95% of individuals have an actionable genotype for at least one pharmacogene. For pharmacogenomic testing to have the greatest impact on medication safety and clinical care, genetic information should be made available at the time of prescribing (preemptive testing). However, the use of preemptive pharmacogenomic testing is associated with some logistical concerns, such as consistent reimbursement, processes for reporting preemptive results over an individual's lifetime, and result portability. Lessons can be learned from institutions that have implemented preemptive pharmacogenomic testing. In this review, we discuss the rationale and best practices for implementing pharmacogenomics preemptively.
Diverse Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Pathogenic Protein Mutations: Beyond the Loss-of-Function Paradigm
Vol. 23 (2022), pp. 475–498More LessMost known disease-causing mutations occur in protein-coding regions of DNA. While some of these involve a loss of protein function (e.g., through premature stop codons or missense changes that destabilize protein folding), many act via alternative molecular mechanisms and have dominant-negative or gain-of-function effects. In nearly all cases, these non-loss-of-function mutations can be understood by considering interactions of the wild-type and mutant protein with other molecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, or small ligands and substrates. Here, we review the diverse molecular mechanisms by which pathogenic mutations can have non-loss-of-function effects, including by disrupting interactions, increasing binding affinity, changing binding specificity, causing assembly-mediated dominant-negative and dominant-positive effects, creating novel interactions, and promoting aggregation and phase separation. We believe that increased awareness of these diverse molecular disease mechanisms will lead to improved diagnosis (and ultimately treatment) of human genetic disorders.
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Volume 0 (1932)