Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology - Volume 65, 2025
Volume 65, 2025
Introduction to the Theme “Novel Therapeutics with the Potential to Advance Health Care”
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 1–5More LessThe reviews in Volume 65 of the Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology cover a wide variety of topics in pharmacology and toxicology focused upon the pathway from preclinical studies to clinical trials. Many of these reviews discuss the identification and validation of new therapeutic targets and/or novel therapeutic approaches. Examples include reviews that focus on the treatment of obesity, neuropsychiatric disorders, Parkinson's disease, substance use disorders, liver fibrosis, cardiac arrythmias, chronic intestinal inflammation, prostate cancer, immuno-oncology, sickle cell disease, and snakebite envenoming. Other topics include drug discovery of biologics, microphysiological systems, and human induced pluripotent stem cell–derived organoids and organ-on-chip technology integrated with artificial intelligence methodologies. Together, these and other reviews give new insights into the assessment of aspects of toxicology and provide readers a glimpse of advances in pharmacology and toxicology that we believe will advance health care and environmental safety.
GPCR Biosensors to Study Conformational Dynamics and Signaling in Drug Discovery
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 7–28More LessG protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs) are a superfamily of transmembrane signal transducers that facilitate the flow of chemical signals across membranes. GPCRs are a desirable class of drug targets, and the activation and deactivation dynamics of these receptors are widely studied. Multidisciplinary approaches for studying GPCRs, such as downstream biochemical signaling assays, cryo-electron microscopy structural determinations, and molecular dynamics simulations, have provided insights concerning conformational dynamics and signaling mechanisms. However, new approaches including biosensors that use luminescence- and fluorescence-based readouts have been developed to investigate GPCR-related protein interactions and dynamics directly in cellular environments. Luminescence- and fluorescence-based readout approaches have also included the development of GPCR biosensor platforms that utilize enabling technologies to facilitate multiplexing and miniaturization. General principles underlying the biosensor platforms and technologies include scalability, orthogonality, and kinetic resolution. Further application and development of GPCR biosensors could facilitate hit identification in drug discovery campaigns. The goals of this review are to summarize developments in the field of GPCR-related biosensors and to discuss the current available technologies.
How Biologics Have Changed the Drug Discovery Landscape
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 29–46More LessAdvances in molecular biology and molecular genetics as well as major scientific breakthroughs in immunology and oncology have led to the rapid growth of biologic therapeutics. Their success has resulted in significant changes to virtually every step in the drug discovery and development process. Biologics are produced by living organisms, and screening libraries are generated by immunization or phage display. Lead optimization utilizes sophisticated protein engineering to improve drug-like properties and targeting specificity. The manufacturing process for biologics is complex and requires highly specialized facilities. Determination of pharmacology and safety must overcome the complications associated with species specificity. Initial clinical testing must proceed more slowly and carefully due to the limited predictive utility of preclinical data. In summary, the drug discovery and development process has been dramatically altered by biologic therapeutics and will continue to evolve with the introduction of messenger RNA–based therapeutics and the application of artificial intelligence.
Opportunities for Microphysiological Systems in Toxicity Testing of New Drug Modalities
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 47–69More LessNew drug modalities offer life-saving benefits for patients through access to previously undruggable targets. Yet these modalities pose a challenge for the pharmaceutical industry, as side effects are complex, unpredictable, and often uniquely human. With animal studies having limited predictive value due to translatability challenges, the pharmaceutical industry seeks out new approach methodologies. Microphysiological systems (MPS) offer important features that enable complex toxicological processes to be modeled in vitro such as (a) an adjustable complexity of cellular components, including immune components; (b) a modifiable tissue architecture; (c) integration and monitoring of dynamic mechanisms; and (d) a multiorgan connection. Here we review MPS studies in the context of four clinical adverse events triggered by new drug modalities: peripheral neuropathy, thrombocytopenia, immune-mediated hepatotoxicity, and cytokine release syndrome. We conclude that while the use of MPS for testing new drug modality–induced toxicities is still in its infancy, we see strong potential going forward.
Next-Gen Therapeutics: Pioneering Drug Discovery with iPSCs, Genomics, AI, and Clinical Trials in a Dish
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 71–90More LessIn the high-stakes arena of drug discovery, the journey from bench to bedside is hindered by a daunting 92% failure rate, primarily due to unpredicted toxicities and inadequate therapeutic efficacy in clinical trials. The FDA Modernization Act 2.0 heralds a transformative approach, advocating for the integration of alternative methods to conventional animal testing, including cell-based assays that employ human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived organoids, and organ-on-a-chip technologies, in conjunction with sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) methodologies. Our review explores the innovative capacity of iPSC-derived clinical trial in a dish models designed for cardiovascular disease research. We also highlight how integrating iPSC technology with AI can accelerate the identification of viable therapeutic candidates, streamline drug screening, and pave the way toward more personalized medicine. Through this, we provide a comprehensive overview of the current landscape and future implications of iPSC and AI applications being navigated by the research community and pharmaceutical industry.
Pharmacogenetic Panel Testing: A Review of Current Practice and Potential for Clinical Implementation
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 91–109More LessPharmacogenetics (PGx) aims to optimize drug treatment outcomes by using a patient's genetic profile for individualized drug and dose selection. Currently, reactive and pretherapeutic single-gene PGx tests are increasingly applied in clinical practice in several countries and institutions. With over 95% of the population carrying at least one actionable PGx variant, and with drugs impacted by these genetic variants being in common use, pretherapeutic or preemptive PGx panel testing appears to be an attractive option for better-informed drug prescribing. Here, we discuss the current state of PGx panel testing and explore the potential for clinical implementation. We conclude that available evidence supports the implementation of pretherapeutic PGx panel testing for drugs covered in the PGx guidelines, yet identification of specific patient populations that benefit most and cost-effectiveness data are necessary to support large-scale implementation.
Pharmacogenetics: Opportunities for the All of Us Research Program and Other Large Data Sets to Advance the Field
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 111–130More LessPharmacogenetic variation is common and an established driver of response for many drugs. There has been tremendous progress in pharmacogenetics knowledge over the last 30 years and in clinical implementation of that knowledge over the last 15 years. But there have also been many examples where translation has stalled because of the lack of available data sets for discovery or validation research. The recent availability of data from very large cohorts with linked genetic, electronic health record, and other data promises new opportunities to advance pharmacogenetics research. This review presents the stages from pharmacogenetics discovery to widespread clinical adoption using prominent gene-drug pairs that have been implemented into clinical practice as examples. We discuss the opportunities that the All of Us Research Program and other large biorepositories with genomic and linked electronic health record data present in advancing and accelerating the translation of pharmacogenetics into clinical practice.
Decoding the Therapeutic Target SVEP1: Harnessing Molecular Trait GWASs to Unravel Mechanisms of Human Disease
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 131–148More LessAlthough human genetics has substantial potential to illuminate novel disease pathways and facilitate drug development, identifying causal variants and deciphering their mechanisms remain challenging. We believe these challenges can be addressed, in part, by creatively repurposing the results of molecular trait genome-wide association studies (GWASs). In this review, we introduce techniques related to molecular GWASs and unconventionally apply them to understanding SVEP1, a human coronary artery disease risk locus. Our analyses highlight SVEP1’s causal link to cardiometabolic disease and glaucoma, as well as the surprising discovery of SVEP1 as the first known physiologic ligand for PEAR1, a critical receptor governing platelet reactivity. We further employ these techniques to dissect the interactions between SVEP1, PEAR1, and the Ang/Tie pathway, with therapeutic implications for a constellation of diseases. This review underscores the potential of molecular GWASs to guide drug discovery and unravel the complexities of human health and disease by demonstrating an integrative approach that grounds mechanistic research in human biology.
Genetically Enriched Clinical Trials for Precision Development of Noncancer Therapeutics: A Scoping Review
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 149–167More LessGenetically driven clinical trial enrichment has been proposed to accelerate and reduce the cost of developing new therapeutics. Usage of this approach has not been comprehensively reviewed. We searched Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane Library,, and WHO ICTRP for articles published between 2010 and 2023. Excluding absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination pharmacogenetic studies and anti-infectives, we found 95 completed, 4 terminated, and 22 ongoing prospective genetically enriched trials on 110 drugs for 48 nononcology, nonrare syndromic indications. Trial sizes ranged from 4 to 6,147 participants (median 72) and covered numerous disease areas, particularly neurology (30), metabolism (22), and psychiatry (17). Fifty-six completed studies (60%) met their primary end point. Overall, this scoping review demonstrates that genetically enriched trials are feasible and scalable across disease areas and provide critical information for further development, or attrition, of investigational drugs. Large, appropriately designed disease-, hospital-, or population-based biobanks will undoubtedly facilitate this type of precision drug development approach.
Evolving Approaches for Pharmacological Therapy of Obesity
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 169–189More LessObesity is a global health concern. Progress in understanding the physiology of obesity and weight reduction has provided new drug targets. Development and testing of new antiobesity medications (AOMs) has the potential to quickly expand options for treatment. In this review, we briefly summarize the physiology of obesity and weight reduction, as well as medications currently approved for weight management. We highlight the increasing use of incretin and nutrient-stimulated hormone-based therapies. We conclude with an overview of AOMs progressing through the pipeline and discuss their implications for the rapidly evolving field of obesity management.
Weight Loss Blockbuster Development: A Role for Unimolecular Polypharmacology
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 191–213More LessObesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) impact more than 2.5 billion adults worldwide, necessitating innovative therapeutic approaches. Unimolecular polypharmacology, which involves designing single molecules to target multiple receptors or pathways simultaneously, has revolutionized treatment strategies. Blockbuster drugs such as tirzepatide and retatrutide have shown unprecedented success in managing obesity and T2DM, demonstrating superior efficacy compared to conventional single agonists. Tirzepatide, in particular, has garnered tremendous attention for its remarkable effectiveness in promoting weight loss and improving glycemic control, while offering additional cardiovascular and renal benefits. Despite their promises, such therapeutic agents also face challenges that include gastrointestinal side effects, patient compliance issues, and body weight rebound after cessation of the treatment. Nonetheless, the development of these therapies marks a significant leap forward, underscoring the transformative potential of unimolecular polypharmacology in addressing metabolic diseases and paving the way for future innovations in personalized medicine.
G Protein–Coupled Receptor Heteromers in Brain: Functional and Therapeutic Importance in Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 215–236More LessG protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs) represent the largest family of plasma membrane proteins targeted for therapeutic development. For decades, GPCRs were investigated as monomeric entities during analysis of their pharmacology or signaling and during drug development. However, a considerable body of evidence now indicates that GPCRs function as dimers or higher-order oligomers. Greater acceptance of oligomerization occurred with the recognition that GPCR interactions form heteromeric receptor complexes, which was validated in vivo, often with pharmacologic, signaling, and functional properties distinct from the constituent protomers. GPCR heteromerization is reviewed in the context of brain disorders, with examples illustrating their functional implication in diverse neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders, making them an enormous unexploited resource for selective pharmacotherapy target identification. The strategies for development of heteromer-selective ligands are discussed as a new opportunity to precisely target the function of a receptor complex with greater specificity, in contrast to the classical ligands targeting individual receptors.
Prospects for Disease Slowing in Parkinson Disease
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 237–258More LessThe increasing prevalence of Parkinson disease (PD) highlights the need to develop interventions aimed at slowing or halting its progression. As a result of sophisticated disease modeling in preclinical studies, and refinement of specific clinical/genetic/pathological profiles, our understanding of PD pathogenesis has grown over the years, leading to the identification of several targets for disease modification. This has translated to the development of targeted therapies, many of which have entered clinical trials. Nonetheless, up until now, none of these treatments have satisfactorily shown disease-modifying effects in PD. In this review, we present the most up-to-date disease-modifying pharmacological interventions in the clinical trial pipeline for PD. We focus on agents that have reached more advanced stages of clinical trials testing, highlighting both positive and negative results, and critically reflect on strengths, weaknesses, and challenges of current disease-modifying therapeutic avenues in PD.
Targeting Neuroplasticity in Substance Use Disorders: Implications for Therapeutics
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 259–280More LessThe last two decades have witnessed substantial advances in identifying synaptic plasticity responsible for behavioral changes in animal models of substance use disorder. We have learned the most about cocaine-induced plasticity in the nucleus accumbens and its relationship to cocaine seeking, so that is the focus in this review. Synaptic plasticity pointing to potential therapeutic targets has been identified mainly using two drug self-administration models: extinction-reinstatement and abstinence models. A relationship between cocaine seeking and potentiated AMPAR transmission in nucleus accumbens is indicated by both models. In particular, an atypical subpopulation—Ca2+-permeable or CP-AMPARs—mediates cue-induced seeking that persists even after long periods of abstinence, modeling the persistent vulnerability to relapse that represents a major challenge in treating substance use disorder. We review strategies to reverse CP-AMPAR plasticity; strategies targeting other components of excitatory synapses, including dysregulated glutamate uptake and release; and behavioral interventions that can be augmented by harnessing synaptic plasticity.
Immunoregulation of Liver Fibrosis: New Opportunities for Antifibrotic Therapy
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 281–299More LessLiver fibrosis develops in response to chronic liver injury and is characterized by a sustained inflammatory response that leads to excessive collagen deposition by myofibroblasts. The fibrogenic response is governed by the release of inflammatory mediators from innate, adaptive, and innate-like lymphoid cells and from nonprofessional immune cells (i.e., epithelial cells, hepatic myofibroblasts, and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells). Upon removal of the underlying cause, liver fibrosis can resolve via activation of specific immune cell subsets. Despite major advances in the understanding of fibrosis pathogenesis, there is still no approved antifibrotic therapy. This review summarizes our current knowledge of the immune cell landscape and the inflammatory mechanisms underlying liver fibrosis progression and regression. We discuss how reprogramming immune cell phenotype, in particular through targeting selective inflammatory pathways or modulating cell-intrinsic metabolism, may be translated into antifibrogenic therapies.
Pharmacology of Intestinal Inflammation and Repair
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 301–314More LessChronic inflammation is a common trait in the pathogenesis of several diseases of the gut, including inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease. Control of the inflammatory response is crucial in these pathologies to avoid tissue destruction and loss of intestinal function. Over the last 50 years, the identification of the mechanisms and mediators involved in the acute phase of the inflammatory response, which is characterized by massive leukocyte recruitment, has led to a number of therapeutic options. New drugs targeting inflammatory flares are still under development. However, interest on the other end of the spectrum—the resolution and repair phases—has emerged, as promoting tissue functional repair may maintain remission and counteract the chronicity of the disease. This review aims to discuss the current and future pharmacological approaches to the treatment of chronic intestinal inflammation and the restoration of functional tissues.
Targeting G Protein–Coupled Receptors in Immuno-Oncological Therapies
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 315–331More LessThe advent of cancer immunotherapy based on PD-1 and CTLA-4 immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) has revolutionized cancer treatment. However, many cancers do not respond to ICB, highlighting the urgent need for additional approaches to achieve durable cancer remission. The large family of G protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs) is the target of more than 30% of all approved drugs, but GPCRs have been underexploited in cancer immunotherapy. In this review, we discuss the central role of GPCRs in immune cell migration and function and describe how single-cell transcriptomic studies are illuminating the complexity of the human tumor immune GPCRome. These receptors include multiple GPCRs expressed in CD8 T cells that are activated by inflammatory mediators, protons, neurotransmitters, and metabolites that accumulate in the tumor microenvironment, thereby promoting T cell dysfunction. We also discuss new opportunities to target GPCRs as a multimodal approach to enhance the response to ICB for a myriad of human malignancies.
Gut Microbiota–Related Biomarkers in Immuno-Oncology
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 333–354More LessCarcinogenesis is associated with the emergence of protracted intestinal dysbiosis and metabolic changes. Increasing evidence shows that gut microbiota–related biomarkers and microbiota-centered interventions are promising strategies to overcome resistance to immunotherapy. However, current standard methods for evaluating gut microbiota composition are cost- and time-consuming. The development of routine diagnostic tools for intestinal barrier alterations and dysbiosis constitutes a critical unmet medical need that can guide routine treatment and microbiota-centered intervention decisions in patients with cancer. In this review, we explore the influence of gut microbiota on cancer immunotherapy and highlight gut-associated biomarkers that have the potential to be transformed into simple diagnostic tools, thus guiding standard treatment decisions in the field of immuno-oncology. Mechanistic insights toward leveraging the complex relationship between cancer immunosurveillance, gut microbiota, and metabolism open exciting opportunities for developing novel biomarkers in immuno-oncology.
Pharma[e]cology: How the Gut Microbiome Contributes to Variations in Drug Response
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 355–373More LessDrugs represent our first, and sometimes last, line of defense for many diseases, yet despite decades of research we still do not fully understand why a given drug works in one patient and fails in the next. The human gut microbiome is one of the missing puzzle pieces, due to its ability to parallel and extend host pathways for drug metabolism, along with more complex host–microbiome interactions. Herein, we focus on the well-established links between the gut microbiome and drugs for heart disease and cancer, plus emerging data on neurological disease. We highlight the interdisciplinary methods that are available and how they can be used to address major remaining knowledge gaps, including the consequences of microbial drug metabolism for treatment outcomes. Continued progress in this area promises fundamental biological insights into humans and their associated microbial communities and strategies for leveraging the microbiome to improve the practice of medicine.
PROTACs as Therapeutic Modalities for Drug Discovery in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Vol. 65 (2025), pp. 375–396More LessCastration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) presents significant challenges in clinical management due to its resistance to conventional androgen receptor (AR)-targeting therapies. The advent of proteolysis targeting chimeras (PROTACs) has revolutionized cancer therapy by enabling the targeted degradation of key molecular players implicated in CRPC progression. In this review we discuss the developments of PROTACs for CRPC treatment, focusing on AR and other CRPC-associated regulators. We provide an overview of the strategic trends in AR PROTAC development from the aspect of targeting site selection and preclinical antitumor evaluation, as well as updates on AR degraders in clinical applications. Additionally, we briefly address the current status of selective AR degrader development. Furthermore, we review new developments in PROTACs as potential CRPC treatment paradigms, highlighting those targeting chromatin modulators BRD4, EZH2, and SWI/SNF; transcription regulator SMAD3; and kinases CDK9 and PIM1. Given the molecular targets shared between CRPC and neuroendocrine prostate cancer (NEPC), we also discuss the potential of PROTACs in addressing NEPC.
Previous Volumes
Volume 65 (2025)
Volume 64 (2024)
Volume 63 (2023)
Volume 62 (2022)
Volume 61 (2021)
Volume 60 (2020)
Volume 59 (2019)
Volume 58 (2018)
Volume 57 (2017)
Volume 56 (2016)
Volume 55 (2015)
Volume 54 (2014)
Volume 53 (2013)
Volume 52 (2012)
Volume 51 (2011)
Volume 50 (2010)
Volume 49 (2009)
Volume 48 (2008)
Volume 47 (2007)
Volume 46 (2006)
Volume 45 (2005)
Volume 44 (2004)
Volume 43 (2003)
Volume 42 (2002)
Volume 41 (2001)
Volume 40 (2000)
Volume 39 (1999)
Volume 38 (1998)
Volume 37 (1997)
Volume 36 (1996)
Volume 35 (1995)
Volume 34 (1994)
Volume 33 (1993)
Volume 32 (1992)
Volume 31 (1991)
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Volume 28 (1988)
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Volume 22 (1982)
Volume 21 (1981)
Volume 20 (1980)
Volume 19 (1979)
Volume 18 (1978)
Volume 17 (1977)
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Volume 15 (1975)
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Volume 12 (1972)
Volume 11 (1971)
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Volume 8 (1968)
Volume 7 (1967)
Volume 6 (1966)
Volume 5 (1965)
Volume 4 (1964)
Volume 3 (1963)
Volume 2 (1962)
Volume 1 (1961)
Volume 0 (1932)