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Annual Review of Physiology - Volume 84, 2022
Volume 84, 2022
β-Adrenergic Receptors and Adipose Tissue Metabolism: Evolution of an Old Story
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 1–16More LessThe role of β-adrenergic receptors (βARs) in adipose tissue to promote lipolysis and the release of fatty acids and nonshivering thermogenesis in brown fat has been studied for so many decades that one would think there is nothing left to discover. With the rediscovery of brown fat in humans and renewed interest in UCP1 and uncoupled mitochondrial respiration, it seems that a review of adipose tissue as an organ, pivotal observations, and the investigators who made them would be instructive to understanding where the field stands now. The discovery of the β3-adrenergic receptor was important for accurately defining the pharmacology of the adipocyte, while the clinical targeting of this receptor for obesity and metabolic disease has had its highs and lows. Many questions still remain about how βARs regulate adipocyte metabolism and the signaling molecules through which they do it.
β-Arrestins as Important Regulators of Glucose and Energy Homeostasis
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 17–40More Lessβ-Arrestin-1 and -2 (also known as arrestin-2 and -3, respectively) are ubiquitously expressed cytoplasmic proteins that dampen signaling through G protein–coupled receptors. However, β-arrestins can also act as signaling molecules in their own right. To investigate the potential metabolic roles of the two β-arrestins in modulating glucose and energy homeostasis, recent studies analyzed mutant mice that lacked or overexpressed β-arrestin-1 and/or -2 in distinct, metabolically important cell types. Metabolic analysis of these mutant mice clearly demonstrated that both β-arrestins play key roles in regulating the function of most of these cell types, resulting in striking changes in whole-body glucose and/or energy homeostasis. These studies also revealed that β-arrestin-1 and -2, though structurally closely related, clearly differ in their metabolic roles under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. These new findings should guide the development of novel drugs for the treatment of various metabolic disorders, including type 2 diabetes and obesity.
The Cellular and Molecular Basis of Sour Taste
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 41–58More LessSour taste, the taste of acids, is one of the most enigmatic of the five basic taste qualities; its function is unclear and its receptor was until recently unknown. Sour tastes are transduced in taste buds on the tongue and palate epithelium by a subset of taste receptor cells, known as type III cells. Type III cells express a number of unique markers, which allow for their identification and manipulation. These cells respond to acid stimuli with action potentials and release neurotransmitters onto afferent nerve fibers, with cell bodies in geniculate and petrosal ganglia. Here, we review classical studies of sour taste leading up to the identification of the sour receptor as the proton channel OTOP1.
Running the Female Power Grid Across Lifespan Through Brain Estrogen Signaling
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 59–85More LessThe role of central estrogen in cognitive, metabolic, and reproductive health has long fascinated the lay public and scientists alike. In the last two decades, insight into estrogen signaling in the brain and its impact on female physiology is beginning to catch up with the vast information already established for its actions on peripheral tissues. Using newer methods to manipulate estrogen signaling in hormone-sensitive brain regions, neuroscientists are now identifying the molecular pathways and neuronal subtypes required for controlling sex-dependent energy allocation. However, the immense cellular complexity of these hormone-sensitive brain regions makes it clear that more research is needed to fully appreciate how estrogen modulates neural circuits to regulate physiological and behavioral end points. Such insight is essential for understanding how natural or drug-induced hormone fluctuations across lifespan affect women's health.
Alcohol-Associated Tissue Injury: Current Views on Pathophysiological Mechanisms
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 87–112More LessAt-risk alcohol use is a major contributor to the global health care burden and leads to preventable deaths and diseases including alcohol addiction, alcoholic liver disease, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, traumatic injuries, gastrointestinal diseases, cancers, and fetal alcohol syndrome. Excessive and frequent alcohol consumption has increasingly been linked to alcohol-associated tissue injury and pathophysiology, which have significant adverse effects on multiple organ systems. Extensive research in animal and in vitro models has elucidated the salient mechanisms involved in alcohol-induced tissue and organ injury. In some cases, these pathophysiological mechanisms are shared across organ systems. The major alcohol- and alcohol metabolite–mediated mechanisms include oxidative stress, inflammation and immunometabolic dysregulation, gut leak and dysbiosis, cell death, extracellular matrix remodeling, endoplasmic reticulum stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and epigenomic modifications. These mechanisms are complex and interrelated, and determining the interplay among them will make it possible to identify how they synergistically or additively interact to cause alcohol-mediated multiorgan injury. In this article, we review the current understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms involved in alcohol-induced tissue injury.
Somatic Mosaicism in Biology and Disease
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 113–133More LessContrary to earlier beliefs, every cell in the individual is genetically different due to somatic mutations. Consequently, tissues become a mixture of cells with distinct genomes, a phenomenon termed somatic mosaicism. Recent advances in genome sequencing technology have unveiled possible causes of mutations and how they shape the unique mutational landscape of the tissues. Moreover, the analysis of sequencing data in combination with clinical information has revealed the impacts of somatic mosaicism on disease processes. In this review, we discuss somatic mosaicism in various tissues and its clinical implications for human disease.
Adipose Tissue Fibrosis in Obesity: Etiology and Challenges
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 135–155More LessObesity is a chronic and progressive process affecting whole-body energy balance and is associated with comorbidity development. In addition to increased fat mass, obesity induces white adipose tissue (WAT) inflammation and fibrosis, leading to local and systemic metabolic dysfunctions, such as insulin resistance (IR). Accordingly, limiting inflammation or fibrosis deposition may improve IR and glucose homeostasis. Although no targeted therapy yet exists to slow or reverse adipose tissue fibrosis, a number of findings have clarified the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms. In this review, we highlight adipose tissue remodeling events shown to be associated with fibrosis deposition, with a focus on adipose progenitors involved in obesity-induced healthy as well as unhealthy WAT expansion.
Sepsis-Induced Immunosuppression
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 157–181More LessSepsis is expected to have a substantial impact on public health and cost as its prevalence increases. Factors contributing to increased prevalence include a progressively aging population, advances in the use of immunomodulatory agents to treat a rising number of diseases, and immune-suppressing therapies in organ transplant recipients and cancer patients. It is now recognized that sepsis is associated with profound and sustained immunosuppression, which has been implicated as a predisposing factor in the increased susceptibility of patients to secondary infections and mortality. In this review, we discuss mechanisms of sepsis-induced immunosuppression and biomarkers that identify a state of impaired immunity. We also highlight immune-enhancing strategies that have been evaluated in patients with sepsis, as well as therapeutics under current investigation. Finally, we describe future challenges and the need for a new treatment paradigm, integrating predictive enrichment with patient factors that may guide the future selection of tailored immunotherapy.
Inflammatory Modulation of Hematopoiesis: Linking Trained Immunity and Clonal Hematopoiesis with Chronic Disorders
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 183–207More LessInflammation-adapted hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) have long been appreciated as key drivers of emergency myelopoiesis, thereby enabling the bone marrow to meet the elevated demand for myeloid cell generation under various stress conditions, such as systemic infection, inflammation, or myelosuppressive insults. In recent years, HSPC adaptations were associated with potential involvement in the induction of long-lived trained immunity and the emergence of clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP). Whereas trained immunity has context-dependent effects, protective in infections and tumors but potentially detrimental in chronic inflammatory diseases, CHIP increases the risk for hematological neoplastic disorders and cardiometabolic pathologies. This review focuses on the inflammatory regulation of HSPCs in the aforementioned processes and discusses how modulation of HSPC function could lead to novel therapeutic interventions.
AMPK and the Adaptation to Exercise
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 209–227More LessNoncommunicable diseases are chronic diseases that contribute to death worldwide, but these diseases can be prevented and mitigated with regular exercise. Exercise activates signaling molecules and the transcriptional network to promote physiological adaptations, such as fiber type transformation, angiogenesis, and mitochondrial biogenesis. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a master regulator that senses the energy state, promotes metabolism for glucose and fatty acid utilization, and mediates beneficial cellular adaptations in many vital tissues and organs. This review focuses on the current, integrative understanding of the role of exercise-induced activation of AMPK in the regulation of system metabolism and promotion of health benefits.
Cardiac Transverse Tubules in Physiology and Heart Failure
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 229–255More LessIn mammalian cardiac myocytes, the plasma membrane includes the surface sarcolemma but also a network of membrane invaginations called transverse (t-) tubules. These structures carry the action potential deep into the cell interior, allowing efficient triggering of Ca2+ release and initiation of contraction. Once thought to serve as rather static enablers of excitation-contraction coupling, recent work has provided a newfound appreciation of the plasticity of the t-tubule network's structure and function. Indeed, t-tubules are now understood to support dynamic regulation of the heartbeat across a range of timescales, during all stages of life, in both health and disease. This review article aims to summarize these concepts, with consideration given to emerging t-tubule regulators and their targeting in future therapies.
Cardiomyocyte Microtubules: Control of Mechanics, Transport, and Remodeling
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 257–283More LessMicrotubules are essential cytoskeletal elements found in all eukaryotic cells. The structure and composition of microtubules regulate their function, and the dynamic remodeling of the network by posttranslational modifications and microtubule-associated proteins generates diverse populations of microtubules adapted for various contexts. In the cardiomyocyte, the microtubules must accommodate the unique challenges faced by a highly contractile, rigidly structured, and long-lasting cell. Through their canonical trafficking role and positioning of mRNA, proteins, and organelles, microtubules regulate essential cardiomyocyte functions such as electrical activity, calcium handling, protein translation, and growth. In a more specialized role, posttranslationally modified microtubules form load-bearing structures that regulate myocyte mechanics and mechanotransduction. Modified microtubules proliferate in cardiovascular diseases, creating stabilized resistive elements that impede cardiomyocyte contractility and contribute to contractile dysfunction. In this review, we highlight the most exciting new concepts emerging from recent studies into canonical and noncanonical roles of cardiomyocyte microtubules.
Adrenergic Regulation of Calcium Channels in the Heart
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 285–306More LessEach heartbeat is initiated by the action potential, an electrical signal that depolarizes the plasma membrane and activates a cycle of calcium influx via voltage-gated calcium channels, calcium release via ryanodine receptors, and calcium reuptake and efflux via calcium-ATPase pumps and sodium-calcium exchangers. Agonists of the sympathetic nervous system bind to adrenergic receptors in cardiomyocytes, which, via cascading signal transduction pathways and protein kinase A (PKA), increase the heart rate (chronotropy), the strength of myocardial contraction (inotropy), and the rate of myocardial relaxation (lusitropy). These effects correlate with increased intracellular concentration of calcium, which is required for the augmentation of cardiomyocyte contraction. Despite extensive investigations, the molecular mechanisms underlying sympathetic nervous system regulation of calcium influx in cardiomyocytes have remained elusive over the last 40 years. Recent studies have uncovered the mechanisms underlying this fundamental biologic process, namely that PKA phosphorylates a calcium channel inhibitor, Rad, thereby releasing inhibition and increasing calcium influx. Here, we describe an updated model for how signals from adrenergic agonists are transduced to stimulate calcium influx and contractility in the heart.
The Diverse Physiological Functions of Mechanically Activated Ion Channels in Mammals
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 307–329More LessMany aspects of mammalian physiology are mechanically regulated. One set of molecules that can mediate mechanotransduction are the mechanically activated ion channels. These ionotropic force sensors are directly activated by mechanical inputs, resulting in ionic flux across the plasma membrane. While there has been much research focus on the role of mechanically activated ion channels in touch sensation and hearing, recent data have highlighted the broad expression pattern of these molecules in mammalian cells. Disruption of mechanically activated channels has been shown to impact (a) the development of mechanoresponsive structures, (b) acute mechanical sensing, and (c) mechanically driven homeostatic maintenance in multiple tissue types. The diversity of processes impacted by these molecules highlights the importance of mechanically activated ion channels in mammalian physiology.
Pericyte Control of Blood Flow Across Microvascular Zones in the Central Nervous System
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 331–354More LessThe vast majority of the brain's vascular length is composed of capillaries, where our understanding of blood flow control remains incomplete. This review synthesizes current knowledge on the control of blood flow across microvascular zones by addressing issues with nomenclature and drawing on new developments from in vivo optical imaging and single-cell transcriptomics. Recent studies have highlighted important distinctions in mural cell morphology, gene expression, and contractile dynamics, which can explain observed differences in response to vasoactive mediators between arteriole, transitional, and capillary zones. Smooth muscle cells of arterioles and ensheathing pericytes of the arteriole-capillary transitional zone control large-scale, rapid changes in blood flow. In contrast, capillary pericytes downstream of the transitional zone act on slower and smaller scales and are involved in establishing resting capillary tone and flow heterogeneity. Many unresolved issues remain, including the vasoactive mediators that activate the different pericyte types in vivo, the role of pericyte-endothelial communication in conducting signals from capillaries to arterioles, and how neurological disease affects these mechanisms.
Physiological Functions of CRAC Channels
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 355–379More LessStore-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) is a ubiquitous Ca2+ signaling pathway that is evolutionarily conserved across eukaryotes. SOCE is triggered physiologically when the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+ stores are emptied through activation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors. SOCE is mediated by the Ca2+ release-activated Ca2+ (CRAC) channels, which are highly Ca2+ selective. Upon store depletion, the ER Ca2+-sensing STIM proteins aggregate and gain extended conformations spanning the ER–plasma membrane junctional space to bind and activate Orai, the pore-forming proteins of hexameric CRAC channels. In recent years, studies on STIM and Orai tissue-specific knockout mice and gain- and loss-of-function mutations in humans have shed light on the physiological functions of SOCE in various tissues. Here, we describe recent findings on the composition of native CRAC channels and their physiological functions in immune, muscle, secretory, and neuronal systems to draw lessons from transgenic mice and human diseases caused by altered CRAC channel activity.
Mitochondrial H+ Leak and Thermogenesis
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 381–407More LessMitochondria of all tissues convert various metabolic substrates into two forms of energy: ATP and heat. Historically, the primary focus of research in mitochondrial bioenergetics was on the mechanisms of ATP production, while mitochondrial thermogenesis received significantly less attention. Nevertheless, mitochondrial heat production is crucial for the maintenance of body temperature, regulation of the pace of metabolism, and prevention of oxidative damage to mitochondria and the cell. In addition, mitochondrial thermogenesis has gained significance as a pharmacological target for treating metabolic disorders. Mitochondria produce heat as the result of H+ leak across their inner membrane. This review provides a critical assessment of the current field of mitochondrial H+ leak and thermogenesis, with a focus on the molecular mechanisms involved in the function and regulation of uncoupling protein 1 and the ADP/ATP carrier, the two proteins that mediate mitochondrial H+ leak.
Cerebral Vascular Dysfunctions Detected in Human Small Vessel Disease and Implications for Preclinical Studies
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 409–434More LessCerebral small vessel disease (SVD) is highly prevalent and a common cause of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke and dementia, yet the pathophysiology is poorly understood. Its clinical expression is highly varied, and prognostic implications are frequently overlooked in clinics; thus, treatment is currently confined to vascular risk factor management. Traditionally, SVD is considered the small vessel equivalent of large artery stroke (occlusion, rupture), but data emerging from human neuroimaging and genetic studies refute this, instead showing microvessel endothelial dysfunction impacting on cell–cell interactions and leading to brain damage. These dysfunctions reflect defects that appear to be inherited and secondary to environmental exposures, including vascular risk factors. Interrogation in preclinical models shows consistent and converging molecular and cellular interactions across the endothelial-glial-neural unit that increasingly explain the human macroscopic observations and identify common patterns of pathology despite different triggers. Importantly, these insights may offer new targets for therapeutic intervention focused on restoring endothelial-glial physiology.
Mitochondria and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Toward a Stratified Therapeutic Intervention
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 435–459More LessMitochondria serve numerous critical cellular functions, rapidly responding to extracellular stimuli and cellular demands while dynamically communicating with other organelles. Mitochondrial function in the gastrointestinal epithelium plays a critical role in maintaining intestinal health. Emerging studies implicate the involvement of mitochondrial dysfunction in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This review presents mitochondrial metabolism, function, and quality control that converge in intestinal epithelial stemness, differentiation programs, barrier integrity, and innate immunity to influence intestinal inflammation. Intestinal and disease characteristics that set the stage for mitochondrial dysfunction being a key factor in IBD and, in turn, pathogenic mitochondrial mechanisms influencing and potentiating the development of IBD, are discussed. These findings establish the basis for potential mitochondrial-targeted interventions for IBD therapy.
Paligenosis: Cellular Remodeling During Tissue Repair
Vol. 84 (2022), pp. 461–483More LessComplex multicellular organisms have evolved specific mechanisms to replenish cells in homeostasis and during repair. Here, we discuss how emerging technologies (e.g., single-cell RNA sequencing) challenge the concept that tissue renewal is fueled by unidirectional differentiation from a resident stem cell. We now understand that cell plasticity, i.e., cells adaptively changing differentiation state or identity, is a central tissue renewal mechanism. For example, mature cells can access an evolutionarily conserved program (paligenosis) to reenter the cell cycle and regenerate damaged tissue. Most tissues lack dedicated stem cells and rely on plasticity to regenerate lost cells. Plasticity benefits multicellular organisms, yet it also carries risks. For one, when long-lived cells undergo paligenotic, cyclical proliferation and redif-ferentiation, they can accumulate and propagate acquired mutations that activate oncogenes and increase the potential for developing cancer. Lastly, we propose a new framework for classifying patterns of cell proliferation in homeostasis and regeneration, with stem cells representing just one of the diverse methods that adult tissues employ.
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