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Annual Review of Sociology - Volume 50, 2024
Volume 50, 2024
- Differentiation and Stratification
Interracial Unions and Racial Assortative Mating in an Age of Growing Diversity, Shifting Intimate Relationships, and Emerging Technologies
Vol. 50 (2024), pp. 431–453More LessWhile racial assortative mating and interracial unions have been a central interest in the study of race relations and family demography since the early twentieth century, there have been marked changes in the social contexts in which these processes have taken place in recent decades. This review article examines three important shifts: (a) the rise of population diversity and its impact on traditional views of racial integration, (b) the changing institution of marriage in American life, and (c) the increasing centrality of technology. We discuss how these societal shifts have challenged traditional understandings of preferences, opportunities, and intermediaries in the mate selection process, as well as new opportunities for interracial intimacy that these changes have introduced. We conclude with a discussion on conceptual issues and promising future research directions.
Presumed Competent: The Strategic Adaptation of Asian Americans in Education and the Labor Market
Vol. 50 (2024), pp. 455–474More LessPresumed competent, Asian Americans exhibit the highest level of education and median household income of all major US ethnoracial groups. On average, they outpace all groups in the domain of education, yet they do not maintain their advantage in the labor market. The question of bias against Asian Americans has taken center stage in the most recent US Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, but the attention has been on university admissions. We broaden the focus and rewrite the question to consider how Asian Americans seek to preempt bias in the labor market by strategically adapting to mitigate it. Strategic adaptation begins with precollege education, continues with college choice and major, and entails acquiring elite credentials that signal hard skills and merit. The strategy falls short of obviating bias altogether, however. We show how Asian Americans’ labor market earnings and mobility vary by gender, nativity, national origin, place of education, and field of study.
Racialized Horizontal Stratification in US Higher Education: Politics, Process, and Consequences
Vol. 50 (2024), pp. 475–499More LessIn this review, we integrate three bodies of scholarship—education stratification research, political-historical sociology of higher education, and sociological theories of race and racism—to understand the production of “separate and unequal” postsecondary experiences for racially marginalized college students in the United States. We argue that the US postsecondary system is plural, heterogeneous, and stratified partly as a result of hundreds of years of contested efforts to deploy higher education in the service of white supremacy and capital accumulation. Organizational stratification of higher education along racial lines leads to horizontal stratification in individual experiences within the same level of schooling, and even within the same university. We review literature on racialized sorting between schools, which channels racially marginalized students to different parts of the postsecondary system relative to their racially advantaged peers. We also describe stratification within schools, as students are tracked, often by race, into divergent academic and social pathways internal to a single university. Both types of sorting have racial consequences for students’ career trajectories, economic security, and well-being. Finally, we detail recent efforts to challenge horizontal stratification, responses to those efforts, and avenues for future research.
Still Victimized in a Thousand Ways: Segregation as a Tool for Exploitation in the Twenty-First Century
Vol. 50 (2024), pp. 501–520More LessIn the thirty years since Massey and Denton's American Apartheid, sociological scholarship on segregation has proliferated, calling attention to the ways in which the social geography of the United States both drives and is shaped by racial and economic inequality. More recent work has focused on the role that institutional actors play in the reproduction of residential segregation and its disparate impacts on communities of color. In this article, we describe different conceptualizations of segregation and how it has been used as a tool for exclusion and exploitation. We review literature on housing and institutional marginalization, highlighting the historical and contemporary mechanisms that perpetuate inequality and necessitate continued research on this topic. We conclude with a discussion of additional considerations and opportunities for future research.
The Latino Middle Class
Vol. 50 (2024), pp. 521–546More LessLatino educational gains over time and income mobility portend a burgeoning Latino middle class. In this article, we critically review scholarship on the Latino middle class, from theoretical perspectives aiming to explain Latino experiences to empirical research investigating mechanisms that promote, and barriers that thwart, upward mobility. Studies suggest that the Latino middle class is distinctive for many reasons—from structural barriers to asset accumulation, legal status precarity for self or family, financial responsibility for class-disadvantaged kin, and negative controlling images that bog down class ascension. Scholars’ recent efforts to decouple middle-class status from Whiteness is an important contribution that undercuts the notion that melding into Whiteness is the desired outcome of middle-class integration. In addition to the utility of education to upward mobility, we contend that studies of middle-class pathways should expand to recognize that Latinos are engaging in workarounds—career paths not requiring a bachelor's degree, such as business ownership or credentialed professions. Workarounds are an intervention that accounts for routes to mobility that are eclipsed by conventional conceptions of mobility. Ultimately, we argue that Latinos are attaining middle-class status even as they are racialized, thereby expanding the minoritized middle class.
Widening Educational Disparities in Health and Longevity
Vol. 50 (2024), pp. 547–564More LessEducational attainment level has long been a strong predictor of adult health and longevity in the United States. Interestingly, the association between education and these outcomes has strengthened in recent decades. Since the 1980s, higher-educated adults have experienced favorable trends in health and longevity, while lower-educated adults have experienced stagnation or unfavorable trends. Studies have provided important clues about why the association between education and health and longevity has strengthened over time. However, explanations remain incomplete and contested. This article discusses key findings and debates about why the association has become stronger and offers recommendations to advance robust explanations. Two key recommendations call for a fundamental shift in how researchers conceptualize and study the increasingly strong association. These include (a) reconsidering which education groups should be viewed as normative in analyses of the trends and (b) elevating attention on contexts, institutions, and actors that have had an outsized influence on the trends.
- Individual and Society
The Sociology of Police Behavior
Vol. 50 (2024), pp. 565–579More LessBlack Americans are 3.5 times and Black teenagers are 21 times more likely to be killed by police than their White counterparts. Generally, protective factors such as social class do little to reduce this disparity, as high-income Black Americans are just as likely to be killed by police as low-income Black Americans. Given these outcomes, it is unsurprising that the bulk of sociological research on policing examines disparities in policing outcomes between Black and Brown communities and individuals and their White counterparts. We begin by outlining this important research. In addition to focusing on the consequences of (over)policing, sociologists can make unique contributions to our understanding of the empirical limitations of contemporary policing data and the macro-, meso-, and micro-level mechanisms that contribute to policing inequalities. While we draw upon some research in other disciplines, sociologists can and should do more in these areas. Accordingly, the end of this review focuses on future directions and theoretical possibilities by centering emerging research that pivots sociology to a more direct focus on overcoming the methodological limits of police research and contributing to meaningful behavioral, organizational, and policy changes.
- Demography
Asian American Diversity and Growth
Vol. 50 (2024), pp. 581–601More LessThis article examines how the growth and diversification of Asian Americans have shaped their integration into the US mainstream. I first review recent trends in demographic diversification, socioeconomic differentiation, and geospatial dispersion among Asians. As a high-achieving minority group, Asians—on average—have surpassed Whites in education, income, and wealth. This narrative, however, is inaccurate and incomplete, rendering intra-Asian disparities invisible. One consequence of intra-Asian diversity is the divergent destinies of hyperselected Asians and vulnerable Asians. Another is the increase in political polarization due to the rise of class-based politics. Despite increasing awareness of intra-Asian diversity, the current conceptual framework and data infrastructure are woefully inadequate, with an inherent bias toward the inclusion of the largest Asian groups at the exclusion of small and vulnerable Asian groups. Data disaggregation and integration can fill this gap by identifying new challenges and opportunities for research and policy interventions.
Political Demography: The Political Consequences of Structural Population Change
Vol. 50 (2024), pp. 603–625More LessThis article surveys the growing field of political demography, which explores the political consequences of structural population change. It underscores the importance of integrating demography and political sociology research to better understand the complex and nuanced relationship between demography and political dynamics. The existing research demonstrates profound and multifaceted impacts of demographic shifts on the political landscape, with different demographic factors having distinct political consequences. Notably, population composition and distribution tend to hold greater political significance than sheer population size and growth. Furthermore, while more research is needed, the existing work suggests that the effect of structural demographic factors is neither inevitable nor without limit; rather, the political consequences of demographic change often exhibit nonlinear patterns and interact with prevailing socioeconomic and institutional contexts. As demographic shifts continue to unfold globally, political demography stands as a promising and enlightening area of research that merits further inquiry.
Sojourners, Not Settlers: Temporary Labor Migration Since the Nineteenth Century
Vol. 50 (2024), pp. 627–645More LessSystems of labor mobility across borders in which states assign a fixed duration to workers’ sojourn—temporary labor migration schemes (TLMSs)—have enabled employers to recruit workers while claiming to avoid the presumed negative consequences of settlement and integration. While existing explanations of TLMSs focus primarily on structural determinants, this article introduces a cumulative contextual model. It begins with a political-economic analysis of labor migration and addresses its gaps by adding an analysis of the ideological legitimations of TLMSs, as well as a consideration of the complex of rules and organizations that implement and regulate state-managed temporary migration. Building on this approach, I propose a typology of TLMSs according to dominant actors, rules that govern the labor relationship, and the gap between discourse about the goals of TLMSs and outcomes. The analysis has implications for immigration and citizenship regimes, for their assumptions of permanence, and for the nature of work.
- Urban and Rural Community Sociology
The Rise and Fall of the Sociology of the Global City
Vol. 50 (2024), pp. 647–669More LessIn the 1980s and 1990s, a series of publications, including Saskia Sassen's landmark book The Global City, triggered a new current of research aiming to link a cycle of globalized financial and tech capitalism to a new type of city, analogous to what the industrial city had been in the past. This article first reviews this literature in relation to the history and sociology of the world city. It then reviews criticism and sociological questions advanced by the global city literature and, in particular, research by Saskia Sassen and Manuel Castells. It argues that claims about the uniqueness of the global city were not validated empirically. Nonetheless, the issues this literature raised became central to research on globalizing cities, in particular in relation to the role of finance and financial capitals. Finally, this article argues that different forms of globalization give rise to different types of globalizing cities. A new cycle of research is now underway in relation to the climate crisis and pandemics, as the climate crisis becomes the most important global phenomenon.
- Policy
Online Illegal Cryptomarkets
Vol. 50 (2024), pp. 671–690More LessCryptomarkets—online markets for illegal goods—have revolutionized the illegal drug trade, constituting about 10% of all drug trades and attracting users to a greater variety of and more addictive substances than available in offline drug markets. This review introduces the burgeoning area of sociology research on illegal cryptomarkets, particularly in the realm of drug trade. We emphasize the expanding role of illicit online trade and its relevance for understanding broader exchange challenges encountered in all illegal trade settings. Examining the effects of online illegal trade on consumption and supply-side policing, we also discuss the harm and potential benefits of moving drug exchange from offline to online markets. We argue for a network perspective's efficacy in this research domain, emphasizing its relevance in assessing trade and discussion networks, technical innovation, and market evolution and vulnerabilities. Concluding, we outline future research areas, including market culture, failure, and the impact of online illegal trade on stratification.
The United States in the World Today: How Sociologists Think About It and Why It Matters
Vol. 50 (2024), pp. 691–713More LessThe study of policy alone often means domestic policy, of interest to generalist sociologists interested in how political ideas are turned into domestic legislation, executive action, and/or court litigation. Foreign policy, as the financial, commercial, diplomatic and military relations of a state with foreign states, remains a niche subfield. But foreign relations should be conceived of as the broader set of entanglements between societies, encompassing transnational movements, expert networks, and fields. Then, sociological theories of foreign relations can interest generalist sociologists. In this review, we illustrate how this broad view of foreign relations applies to the study of the United States in the world today (USitWT) by first surveying how sociologists of the world society and world system have focused on transnational relations and the place of the United States in their dynamics, and how they have engaged with the question of power. We then demonstrate how field theorists’ study of transnational fields can allow sociologists to reconceptualize the historical role of the USitWT by highlighting continuities between European colonial governmentalities and current US transnational practices. This field perspective can allow sociologists to understand the USitWT as transnational, postcolonial, or neo-colonial governmentality, depending on the sociological and historical depth and range of its relation with different parts of the world.
- Historical Sociology
Whither Digitality? The Relationship Between Orality, Literacy, and Digitality, Past and Present: From Spoken Traditions to Digital Media
Vol. 50 (2024), pp. 715–736More LessOrality, literacy, and digitality are forms of knowledge and communication based on speech, reading and writing, and electronic technologies using binary formats, respectively. This article reviews four possible relationships between them: Is literacy (and by extension digitality) the superior form, is orality superior, are all three mostly interchangeable, or do they all change each other as they emerge historically? These different positions imply different histories: linear, contingent, and epochal. This article considers the future of digitality by reviewing these relationships, past and present. These four intellectual positions did not arise neutrally. In fact, the superiority of literacy is rooted in Eurocentric views of technological progress and colonial power. Because this positionality is crucial to understanding the historical relationship among them, the article draws on the philosophy of science of dialectical realism to look for the similarities and differences between the positions, as well as the contradictions. It is a bold call for the comparative historical sociology of digitality (and everything else).
- Sociology and World Regions
Rights in China: Myths, Abuses, and Politics
Vol. 50 (2024), pp. 737–755More LessThis article presents a sociological perspective on understanding rights in China, examining the interplay between multiple myths of rights, rights abuses, and the politics of rights within various social and physical spaces. It highlights competing myths of rights held by the state, ordinary citizens, rights activists, and legal professionals. The article examines how rights abuses contribute to rights consciousness and mobilization across different human rights domains in a repressive political context. By analyzing the politics of rights in interconnected spaces, such as the street, the legal system, the global arena, and cyberspace, it emphasizes the importance of continuous engagement between domestic and overseas actors in shaping China's human rights future. The article encourages social science researchers to thoroughly examine the myths, abuses, and politics of rights before making normative judgments about China's human rights conditions.
Acerca de la alegría y la guerra: feminismo negro/interseccionalidad
Vol. 50 (2024), pp. S1–S25More LessResumenLa teorización feminista negra se desarrolló fuera del mundo académico formal para satisfacer las necesidades de las mujeres negras, pero no terminó ahí. Esta reseña ofrece acceso a algunas “guerras” y debates actuales acerca de las políticas del conocimiento sobre teorías, conceptos y praxis feministas negras que se han profundizado dentro de la sociología y se extienden cada vez más a paneles de conferencias en vivo, debates en línea y legislaturas. Las características compartidas dentro del feminismo negro incluyen una atención persistente y crítica a la producción de conocimiento, el poder y el cambio social de las mujeres negras, pero hay mucho más que eso. Basándose en la sociología y otras disciplinas, esta reseña del feminismo negro/interseccionalidad cubre familias de feminismos negros, tendencias de citación disciplinaria, consideraciones metodológicas y tensiones en torno a la encarnación en las demandas sobre el feminismo negro y la interseccionalidad. En las conclusiones proponemos rumbos para destrabar conflictos, desestabilizar guerras y avanzar hacia la alegría y la liberación mientras la lucha continúa.
An English translation is available online at https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-soc-090123-032434
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