
first commanded attention in 1976, when investigators from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified it as the culprit in a massive outbreak of pneumonia that struck individuals attending an American Legion convention (84). It is now clear that this gram-negative bacterium flourishes naturally in fresh water as a parasite of amoebae, but it can also replicate within alveolar macrophages. pathogenesis is discussed using the following model as a framework. When ingested by phagocytes, stationary-phase bacteria establish phagosomes which are completely isolated from the endosomal pathway but are surrounded by endoplasmic reticulum. Within this protected vacuole, converts to a replicative form that is acid tolerant but no longer expresses several virulence traits, including factors that block membrane fusion. As a consequence, the pathogen vacuoles merge with lysosomes, which provide a nutrient-rich replication niche. Once the amino acid supply is depleted, progeny accumulate the second messenger guanosine 3′,5′-bispyrophosphate (ppGpp), which coordinates entry into the stationary phase with expression of traits that promote transmission to a new phagocyte. A number of factors contribute to virulence, including type II and type IV secretion systems, a pore-forming toxin, type IV pili, flagella, and numerous other factors currently under investigation. Because of its resemblance to certain aspects of , , , and pathogenesis, a detailed description of the mechanism used by to manipulate and exploit phagocyte membrane traffic may suggest novel strategies for treating a variety of infectious diseases. Knowledge of ecology may also inform efforts to combat the emergence of new opportunistic macrophage pathogens.


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