Annual Reviews Top 100
Our Most Read in 2024 collection highlights 100 influential articles published across our portfolio of 51 multi-disciplinary journals. The collection features two categories:

As we look ahead to another year of mobilizing discovery through outstanding research, we pay tribute to our Editors and Authors for their valuable contributions to our journals and to society. By synthesizing key scientific advancements, Annual Reviews articles guide scholarly discourse and inform policy and practice around the world.

Throughout 2024, AI emerged as an important topic across disciplines, driving new questions and reshaping how we approach problems in health, psychology, technology, economics, and beyond. The impactful reviews that were most read in 2024 cover topics that support our understanding of the environment, health, and the human experience. From AI to vaccine development, from language to memory to motivation, you'll find relevant articles in this collection. Explore the collection today!

*All articles are either Open Access or available to read and download without restriction, thanks to our Subscribe to Open program.


The Moral Psychology of Artificial Intelligence

jean-françois bonnefon, iyad rahwan, and azim shariff, Annual Review of Psychology

Social Media and Morality

Jay J. Van Bavel, Claire E. Robertson, Kareena del rosario, jesper rasmussen, and steve rathje, Annual Review of Psychology

How Can People Become Happier? A Systematic Review of Preregistered Experiments

DUNIGAN FOLK and ELIZABETH DUNN, Annual Review of Psychology

Causal Inference in the Social Sciences

Guido W. Imbens, Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application

Women at Work: Pathways from Gender Stereotypes to Gender Bias and Discrimination

Madeline E. Heilman, suzette caleo, and francesca manzi, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior

Common Method Bias: It's Bad, It's Complex, It's Widespread, and It's Not Easy to Fix

philip m. podsakoff, nathan p. podsakoff, larry J. williams, chengquan Huang, and Junhui yang, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior

Cross-Cultural Leadership: What We Know, What We Need to Know, and Where We Need to Go

Deanne N. Den Hartog and Annebel H.B. De Hoogh, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior

Cultural Psychology: Beyond East and West

Shinobu kitayama and cristina e. salvador, Annual Review of Psychology

The Relation Between Attention and Memory

Nelson Cowan, chenye bao, brittney m. bishop-chrzanowski, amy n. costa, nathaniel r. greene, dominic guitard, chenyuan li, madison l. musich, and zehra e. ünal, Annual Review of Psychology

Language in Brains, Minds, and Machines

greta tuckute, nancy kanwisher, and evelina fedorenko, Annual Review of Neuroscience

Artificial Intelligence for Drug Discovery: Are We There Yet?

Catrin hasselgren and tudor i. oprea, Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology

How Remote Work Changes the World of Work

paul m. leonardi, sienna helena parker, and roni shen, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior

From Thalidomide to Rational Molecular Glue Design for Targeted Protein Degradation

Vladas Oleinikovas, pablo gainza, thomas ryckmans, bernhard fasching, and nicolas h. thomä, Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology

Metacognition and Confidence: A Review and Synthesis

Stephen m. fleming, Annual Review of Psychology

Global Talent Management: A Critical Review and Research Agenda for the New Organizational Reality

paula m. caligiuri, david g. collings, helen de cieri, and mila b. lazarova, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior

Impacts of Climate Change on Marine Foundation Species

Thomas wernberg, mads s. thomsen, julia k. baum, melanie j. bishop, john f. bruno, melinda a. coleman, karen filbee-dexter, karine gagnon, qiang he, daniel murdiyarso, kerrylee rogers, brian r. silliman, dan a. smale, samuel starko, and mathew a. vanderklift, Annual Review of Marine Science

Understanding Contemporary Career Success: A Critical Review

scott seibert, jos akkermans, and cheng-huan (Jerry) liu, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior

T Cell Exhaustion

andrew baessler and dario a.a. vignali, Annual Review of Immunology

Computational Social Psychology

fiery cushman, Annual Review of Psychology

The Sixty-Year Trajectory of Homicide Clearance Rates: Toward a Better Understanding of the Great Decline

philip j. cook and ashley mancik, Annual Review of Criminology

The Role of Attitudes in Work Behavior

john d. kammeyer-mueller, alex l. rubenstein, and tianna s. barnes, Annual Review of Political Science

Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment: Problems and Solutions

george f. koob, Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology

Why We Should Stop Trying to Fix Women: How Context Shapes and Constrains Women's Career Trajectories

michelle k. ryan and thekla morgenroth, Annual Review of Psychology

Norm Dynamics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Social Norm Emergence, Persistence, and Change

michele j. gelfand, sergey gavrilets, and nathan nunn, Annual Review of Psychology

The New Economics of Industrial Policy

réka juhász, nathan lane, and dani rodrik, Annual Review of Economics

Resilience and Disaster: Flexible Adaptation in the Face of Uncertain Threat

george a. bonanno, shuquan chen, rohini bagrodia, and isaac r. galatzer-levy, Annual Review of Psychology

The Neurobiology of Activational Aspects of Motivation: Exertion of Effort, Effort-Based Decision Making, and the Role of Dopamine

john d. salamone and mercè correa, Annual Review of Psychology

Advances and Challenges in Cell Biology for Cultured Meat

beatriz martins, arthur bister, richard g.j. dohmen, maria ana gouveia, rui hueber, lea melzener, tobias messmer, joanna papadopoulos, joana pimenta, dhruv raina, lieke schaeken, sara shirley, benjamin p. bouchet, and joshua e. flack, Annual Review of Nutrition

Crafting Well-Being: Employees Can Enhance Their Own Well-Being by Savoring, Reflecting upon, and Capitalizing on Positive Work Experiences

remus ilies, joyce e. bono, and arnold b. bakker, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior

Ketamine: Mechanisms and Relevance to Treatment of Depression

ji-woon kim, kanzo suzuki, ege t. kavalali, and lisa m. monteggia, Annual Review of Medicine

Toward Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Precision Pathology

Frederick klauschen, jonas dippel, philipp keyl, philipp jurmeister, michael bockmayr, andreas mock, oliver buchstab, maximilian alber, lukas ruff, grégoire montavon, and klaus-robert müller, Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease

The Future of Motivation in and of Teams

Gilad chen and ruth kanfer, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior

Digital Image Sensor Evolution and New Frontiers

eric r. fossum, nobukazu teranishi, and albert j.p. theuwissen, Annual Review of Vision Science

Intellectual Diary of an Iconoclast

james c. scott, Annual Review of Political Science

Learning Nonlinear Reduced Models from Data with Operator Inference

Boris kramer, benjamin peherstorfer, and karen e. willcox, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics

The Effects of Psychedelics on Neuronal Physiology

cassandra j. hatzipantelis and david e. olson, Annual Review of Physiology

The Neuroscience of Human and Artificial Intelligence Presence

lasana t. harris, Annual Review of Psychology

Management of Resistant Hypertension

Lucas lauder, felix mahfoud, and michael böhm, Annual Review of Medicine

Music Training and Nonmusical Abilities

E. glenn schellenberg and césar f. lima, Annual Review of Psychology

Pesticide Exposure and Effects on Non-Apis Bees

Nigel e. raine and maj rundlöf, Annual Review of Entomology

Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity: Paradigm for Understanding Mechanisms of Drug-Induced Liver Injury

hartmut jaeschke and anup ramachandran, Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease

Designing Difference-in-Difference Studies with Staggered Treatment Adoption: Key Concepts and Practical Guidelines

coady wing, madeline yozwiak, alex hollingsworth, seth freedman, and kosali simon, Annual Review of Public Health

The Effects of Codon Usage on Protein Structure and Folding

mckenze j. moss, laura m. chamness, and patricia l. clark, Annual Review of Biophysics

Terrorism, Political Extremism, and Crime and Criminal Justice

joshua d. freilich, steven m. chermak, rachael a. arietti, and noah d. turner, Annual Review of Criminology

Wearable Devices: Implications for Precision Medicine and the Future of Health Care

mohan babu, ziv lautman, xiangping lin, mila h.b. sobota, and michael p. snyder, Annual Review of Medicine

The Art and Science of Molecular Docking

joseph m. paggi, ayush pandit, and ron o. dror, Annual Review of Biochemistry

Cloning for the Twenty-First Century and Its Place in Endangered Species Conservation

veronica b. cowl, pierre comizzoli, ruth appeltant, rhiannon l. bolton, robert k. browne, william v. holt, linda m. penfold, aleona swegen, susan l. walker, and Suzannah a. williams, Annual Review of Animal Biosciences

Neutrophils in Physiology and Pathology

alejandra aroca-crevillén, tommaso vicanolo, samuel ovadia, and andrés hidalgo, Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease

Psychological Flexibility, Chronic Pain, and Health

Lance m. mccracken, Annual Review of Psychology

Changing Human Behavior to Conserve Biodiversity

diogo veríssimo, katie blake, hilary byerly flint, hunter doughty, dulce espelosin, emily a. gregg, takahiro kubo, judy mann-lang, laura r. perry, matthew j. selinske, ganga shreedhar, and laura thomas-walters, Annual Review of Environment and Resources


Executive Functions

ADELE DIAMOND, Annual Review of Psychology (2015)

Gender Stereotypes

NAOMI ELLEMERS, Annual Review of Psychology (2018)

Media and the Development of Gender Role Stereotypes

L. Monique Ward and Petal Grower, Annual Review of Developmental Psychology (2020)

Emotion and Decision Making

Jennifer S. Lerner, Karim S. Kassam, Piercarlo Valdesolo, and Ye Li, Annual Review of Psychology (2015)

Self-Compassion: Theory, Method, Research, and Intervention

kristin d. neff, Annual Review of Psychology (2023)

Self-Determination Theory in Work Organizations: The State of a Science

Edward l. deci, anja h. olafsen, and richard m. ryan, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior (2017)

Climate Change and Society

thomas dietz, rachael l. shwom, and cameron t. whitley, Annual Review of Sociology (2020)

How to Do a Systematic Review: A Best Practice Guide for Conducting and Reporting Narrative Reviews, Meta-Analyses, and Meta-Syntheses

andy p. siddaway, alex m. wood, and larry v. hedges, Annual Review of Psychology (2019)

Job Demands-Resources Theory: Ten Years Later

arnold b. bakker, evangelia demerouti, and ana sanz-vergel, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior (2023)

CRISPR–Cas9 Structures and Mechanisms

FUGUO JIANG and jennifer a. doudna, Annual Review of Biophysics (2017)

Political Effects of the Internet and Social Media

Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, Maria Petrova, and Ruben Enikolopov, Annual Review of Economics (2020)

Metabolic Effects of Intermittent Fasting

Ruth E. Patterson and Dorothy D. Sears, Annual Review of Nutrition (2017)

The Origins and Consequences of Affective Polarization in the United States

Shanto Iyengar, Yphtach Lelkes, Matthew Levendusky, Neil Malhotra, and Sean J. Westwood, Annual Review of Political Science (2019)

Stress and Health: A Review of Psychobiological Processes

daryl b. o'connor, julian f. thayer, and kavia vedhara, Annual Review of Psychology (2021)

Framing Theory

Dennis Chong and James N. Druckman, Annual Review of Political Science (2007)

The Structure of Intrinsic Motivation

ayelet fishbach and kaitlin woolley, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior (2022)

The Social Determinants of Health: Coming of Age

Paula Braveman, Susan Egerter, and David R. Williams, Annual Review of Public Health (2011)

Developing Self-Awareness: Learning Processes for Self- and Interpersonal Growth

manuel london, valerie i. sessa, and loren a. shelley, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior (2023)

Mindfulness Interventions

j. david creswell, Annual Review of Psychology (2017)

What Do Platforms Do? Understanding the Gig Economy

steven vallas and juliet b. schor, Annual Review of Sociology (2020

Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics

Steven L. Brunton, Petros Koumoutsakos, and Bernd R. Noack, Annual Review of Virology (2020)

Nonverbal Communication

judith a. hall, terrence g. horgan, and nora a. murphy, Annual Review of Psychology (2019)

Feminist Theory Today

kathy e. ferguson, Annual Review of Political Science (2017)

Psychological Safety Comes of Age: Observed Themes in an Established Literature

Amy C. Edmondson and derrick p. bransby, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior (2023)

The Moral Psychology of Artificial Intelligence

jean-françois bonnefon, iyad rahwan, and azim shariff, Annual Review of Psychology (2024)

Diversity in the Workplace: A Review, Synthesis, and Future Research Agenda

Quinetta m. roberson, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior (2019)

Culturally Responsive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Ethnically Diverse Populations

stanley j. huey, alayna l. park, chardée a. galán, and crystal x. wang, Annual Review of Clinical Psychology (2023)

Theories of the Causes of Poverty

david brady, Annual Review of Sociology (2019)

The Gut–Brain Axis

emeran a. mayer, karina nance, and shelley chen, Annual Review of Medicine (2022)

Machine Learning Methods That Economists Should Know About

Susan Athey and Guido W. Imbens, Annual Review of Economics (2019)

Nature and Health

Terry Hartig, Richard Mitchell, Sjerp de Vries, and Howard Frumkin, Annual Review of Public Health (2014)

Extreme Weather and Climate Change: Population Health and Health System Implications

Mario Mietzsch, Jennifer vanos, jane w. baldwin, jesse e. bell, david m. hondula, nicole a. errett, katie hayes, colleen e. reid, shubhayu saha, june spector, and peter berry, Annual Review of Public Health (2021)

Prejudice Reduction: Progress and Challenges

elizabeth levy paluck, roni porat, chelsey s. clark, and donald p. green, Annual Review of Psychology (2021)

Working Memory: Theories, Models, and Controversies

Alan Baddeley, Annual Review of Psychology (2012)

Immigration and Crime: Assessing a Contentious Issue

graham c. ousey and charis e. kubrin, Annual Review of Criminology (2018)

Mental Health in the Workplace

e. kevin kelloway, jennifer k. dimoff, and stephanie gilbert, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior (2023)

Personality Psychology

brent w. roberts and hee j. yoon, Annual Review of Psychology (2022)

Benefits and Risks of Testosterone Treatment in Men with Age-Related Decline in Testosterone

marcelo rodrigues dos santos and shalender bhasin, Annual Review of Medicine (2021)

Nationalism: What We Know and What We Still Need to Know

Harris Mylonas and Maya Tudor, Annual Review of Political Science (2021)

The Causes of Populism in the West

sheri berman, Annual Review of Political Science (2021)

The Development of Color Perception and Cognition

john maule, alice e. skelton and anna franklin, Annual Review of Psychology (2023)

Psychology of Habit

wendy wood and dennis rünger, Annual Review of Psychology (2016)

The Backlash Against Globalization

stefanie walter, Annual Review of Political Science (2021)

Qualitative Methods

john gerring, Annual Review of Political Science (2017)

Major Depression and Its Recurrences: Life Course Matters

scott m. monroe and kate l. harkness, Annual Review of Clinical Psychology (2022)

The Social Effects of Emotions

gerben a. van kleef and stéphane côté, Annual Review of Psychology (2022)

How Technology Is Changing Work and Organizations

wayne f. cascio and ramiro montealegre, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior (2016)

Dopamine and Addiction

roy a. wise and mykel a. robble, Annual Review of Psychology (2020)

The Mass Criminalization of Black Americans: A Historical Overview

Elizabeth Hinton and DeAnza Cook, Annual Review of Criminology (2021)

Designing Difference in Difference Studies: Best Practices for Public Health Policy Research

Coady Wing, Kosali Simon, and Ricardo A. Bello-Gomez, Annual Review of Public Health (2018)

Annual Reviews is a nonprofit publisher with a mission to synthesize and integrate knowledge for the progress of science and the benefit of society. We currently publish 51 highly cited journals in the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences, including Economics.

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