
While there is not a wide range of pregnancy-specific drugs, there are some very specific high-risk areas of obstetric care for which unique pharmacological approaches have been established. In preterm birth, labor induction and augmentation, and the management of postpartum hemorrhage, these pharmacological approaches have become the bedrock in managing some of the most common and problematic areas of antenatal and intrapartum care. In this review, we summarize the existing established and emerging evidence that supports and broadens these pharmacological approaches to obstetric management and its impact on clinical practice. It is clear that existing therapeutics are limited. They have largely been developed from our knowledge of the physiology of the myometrium and act on hormonal receptors and their signaling pathways or on ion channels influencing excitability. Newer drugs in development are mostly refinements of these two approaches, but novel agents from plants and improved formulations are also discussed.


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