Bio-Inspired Antifouling Strategies: Supplemental Video 1


A supplemental video from the 2012 review by Chelsea M. Kirschner and Anthony B. Brennan, "Bio-Inspired Antifouling Strategies," from the Annual Review of Materials Research.

Platform material defines surface chemistry, mechanical properties and physical interactions based upon inherent material chemical structure and processing. Topography added using the same material or a different material to impart or enhance non-wetting characteristics. Feature geometry and arrangement affect the mechanics of the surface and dewetting behavior. Surface chemistry is adjustable using graft technology to introduce both specific and non-specific chemical interactions with settling organisms. The path generated by the feature arrangement is referred to as the surface tortuosity. The tortuosity is a key factor in the surface antifouling efficiency. The organism approaches the surface, "tests" the surface and then moves to a more favorable surface for settlement.

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