
Plant stature and development are governed by cell proliferation and directed cell growth. These parameters are determined largely by cell wall characteristics. Cellulose microfibrils, composed of hydrogen-bonded β-1,4 glucans, are key components for anisotropic growth in plants. Cellulose is synthesized by plasma membrane–localized cellulose synthase complexes. In higher plants, these complexes are assembled into hexameric rosettes in intracellular compartments and secreted to the plasma membrane. Here, the complexes typically track along cortical microtubules, which may guide cellulose synthesis, until the complexes are inactivated and/or internalized. Determining the regulatory aspects that control the behavior of cellulose synthase complexes is vital to understanding directed cell and plant growth and to tailoring cell wall content for industrial products, including paper, textiles, and fuel. In this review, we summarize and discuss cellulose synthesis and regulatory aspects of the cellulose synthase complex, focusing on .

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The Cell Biology of Cellulose Synthesis: Video 1

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The Cell Biology of Cellulose Synthesis: Video 2

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    GFP-CesA3 signal in the plasma membrane of dark-grown hypocotyl cells. Small particles of GFP-CesA3 signal at the plasma membrane presumably represent cellulose synthase (CesA) complexes (CSCs) that probably include multiple copies of the GFP-tagged CesA3 subunit. These particles move at a constant speed along a linear trajectory as the CSC synthesizes cellulose. Individual particles appear, representing CSC deliveries to the membrane, and other particles eventually disappear from the plasma membrane, implying that the CSC may be recycled after some time. The scale bar represents 10 μm, the time stamp shows minutes:seconds, and the video covers 12.5 min of imaging.

Supplementary Data

    GFP-CesA3 signal in the Golgi apparatus of dark-grown hypocotyl cells. Ring-shaped aggregations of GFP-CesA3 signal inside the cell represent cellulose synthases (CesAs) as they traffic through the Golgi apparatus. Golgi stacks undergo salutatory movement or rapid cytosolic streaming. The scale bar represents 10 μm, the time stamp shows minutes:seconds, and the video covers 100 s of imaging.

  • Article Type: Review Article
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