
DNA-editing enzymes perform chemical reactions on DNA nucleobases. These reactions can change the genetic identity of the modified base or modulate gene expression. Interest in DNA-editing enzymes has burgeoned in recent years due to the advent of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat-associated (CRISPR-Cas) systems, which can be used to direct their DNA-editing activity to specific genomic loci of interest. In this review, we showcase DNA-editing enzymes that have been repurposed or redesigned and developed into programmable base editors. These include deaminases, glycosylases, methyltransferases, and demethylases. We highlight the astounding degree to which these enzymes have been redesigned, evolved, and refined and present these collective engineering efforts as a paragon for future efforts to repurpose and engineer other families of enzymes. Collectively, base editors derived from these DNA-editing enzymes facilitate programmable point mutation introduction and gene expression modulation by targeted chemical modification of nucleobases.


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