
Craving is a central feature of addiction. Its recent inclusion as a diagnostic criterion for substance use disorders in the fifth edition of the s appears at a time when craving research is at an all-time high. Craving is thought to predict relapse and may deter individuals from even trying to quit. Researchers have developed experimental craving-induction paradigms to identify factors contributing to craving and to test interventions to alleviate craving. This review offers a critique of laboratory craving studies, with particular emphasis on cigarette craving. It raises questions concerning several conceptual and methodological assumptions underlying this research, identifies processes that may explain why cravings are linked to drug use and relapse, addresses contextual factors that may influence various experiences of craving, and considers recent interventions targeting craving. The relation between craving and both emotion and coping is discussed, as well as the level of insight that individuals have about their own future cravings.


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