
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is often referred to as the “gold standard” treatment for mental health problems, given the large body of evidence supporting its efficacy. However, there are persistent questions about the generalizability of CBTs to culturally diverse populations and whether culturally sensitive approaches are warranted. In this review, we synthesize the literature on CBT for ethnic minorities, with an emphasis on randomized trials that address cultural sensitivity within the context of CBT. In general, we find that CBT is effective for ethnic minorities with diverse mental health problems, although nonsignificant trends suggest that CBT effects may be somewhat weaker for ethnic minorities compared to Whites. We find mixed support for the cultural adaptation of CBTs, but evidence for cultural sensitivity training of CBT clinicians is lacking, given a dearth of relevant trials. Based on the limited evidence thus far, we summarize three broad models for addressing cultural issues when providing CBT to diverse populations.


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