
Quench dynamics is an active area of study encompassing condensed matter physics and quantum information, with applications to cold-atomic gases and pump-probe spectroscopy of materials. Recent theoretical progress in studying quantum quenches is reviewed. Quenches in interacting one-dimensional systems as well as systems in higher spatial dimensions are covered. The appearance of nontrivial steady states following a quench in exactly solvable models is discussed, and the stability of these states to perturbations is described. Proper conserving approximations needed to capture the onset of thermalization at long times are outlined. The appearance of universal scaling for quenches near critical points and the role of the renormalization group in capturing the transient regime are reviewed. Finally, the effect of quenches near critical points on the dynamics of entanglement entropy and entanglement statistics is discussed. The extraction of critical exponents from the entanglement statistics is outlined.


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