
Quantifying submillimeter flows using optical diagnostic techniques is often limited by a lack of spatial resolution and optical access. This review discusses two super-resolution imaging techniques, structured illumination microscopy and total internal reflection fluorescence or microscopy, which can visualize bulk and interfacial flows, respectively, at spatial resolutions below the classic diffraction limits. First, we discuss the theory and applications of structured illumination for optical sectioning, i.e., imaging a thin slice of a flow illuminated over its entire volume. Structured illumination can be used to visualize the interior of multiphase flows such as sprays by greatly reducing secondary scattering. Second, the theory underlying evanescent waves is introduced, followed by a review of how total internal reflection microscopy has been used to visualize interfacial flows over the last 15 years. Both techniques, which are starting to be used in fluid mechanics, could significantly improve quantitative imaging of microscale and macroscale flows.


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