
Rigid or deformable bodies moving through continuously stratified layers or across sharp interfaces are involved in a wide variety of geophysical and engineering applications, with both miscible and immiscible fluids. In most cases, the body moves while pulling a column of fluid, in which density and possibly viscosity differ from those of the neighboring fluid. The presence of this column usually increases the fluid resistance to the relative body motion, frequently slowing down its settling or rise in a dramatic manner. This column also exhibits specific dynamics that depend on the nature of the fluids and on the various physical parameters of the system, especially the strength of the density/viscosity stratification and the relative magnitude of inertia and viscous effects. In the miscible case, as stratification increases, the wake becomes dominated by the presence of a downstream jet, which may undergo a specific instability. In immiscible fluids, the viscosity contrast combined with capillary effects may lead to strikingly different evolutions of the column, including pinch-off followed by the formation of a drop that remains attached to the body, or a massive fragmentation phenomenon. This review discusses the flow organization and its consequences on the body motion under a wide range of conditions, as well as potentialities and limitations of available models aimed at predicting the body and column dynamics.


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