
Multiple epidemiological studies have demonstrated associations between the human leukocyte antigen () loci and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease, and more recently the killer cell immunoglobulin-like () locus has been implicated in differential responses to the virus. Genome-wide association studies have convincingly shown that the class I locus is the most significant host genetic contributor to the variation in HIV control, underscoring a central role for CD8 T cells in resistance to the virus. However, both genetic and functional data indicate that part of the effect on HIV is due to interactions between and genes, also implicating natural killer cells in defense against viral infection and viral expansion prior to initiation of an adaptive response. We review the and associations with HIV disease and the progress that has been made in understanding the mechanisms that explain these associations.

[Erratum, Closure]

An erratum has been published for this article:
HLA/KIR Restraint of HIV: Surviving the Fittest

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