
The last 5 years have seen major shifts in defining whom to test and how to treat infection. Peptic ulcer has changed from a chronic disease to a one-off condition, and countries with a high incidence of gastric cancer have begun implementing population-wide screening and treatment. A proactive approach to testing and treatment of is now recommended, including outreach to family members of individuals diagnosed with active infection as well as high-risk local populations such as immigrants from high-risk countries. Increasing antimicrobial resistance has resulted in an overall decline in treatment success, causing a rethinking of the approach to development of treatment guidelines as well as the need to adopt the principles of antibiotic usage and antimicrobial stewardship. Required changes include abandoning empiric use of clarithromycin, metronidazole, and levofloxacin triple therapies. Here, we discuss these transformations and give guidance regarding testing and use of therapies that are effective when given empirically.


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